2011年11月27日 星期日


129667837410302892_2652011 have come to an end, after January 1 next year mortgage interest rates will be in accordance with the latest interest rates, more than 5-year commercial mortgage interest rate will be 7.05%, for this reason, many mortgage customers recently have consulted experts, is now advising banks prepare for prepayment? Four kinds of condition should not be giving back loan forward enjoy 70 percentMortgage interest rate analysis, first of all, has a 70 percent to 85 percent discount rate mortgages should not be there. More than a 5-year lending rate, for example, by January 1 next year after adjustment loan interest rate, benchmark lending rate to 7.05%, if borrowers receive a 70 percent interest rates, the lending rate is 4.935%, if you enjoy 85 percent interest rate, discount rate for5.9925%. Equal principal and interest on $ 1 million 20-year loan for example. Part of the customer in accordance with the regulation of breathing 5.94% before this year's benchmark interest rate calculated at 70 percent, monthly 6,463 to $ a month, after January 1 next year, this part of the customer can also benchmark interest rates 7.05% mortgage, monthly payments each month for only $ 6,563, the rate ofBefore and after the monthly difference between NT $ 100. ����This part of the customer does not require advance mortgages. Won't have any effect on the borrower's daily lives. ����Finance Division highlighted in particular, in the first suite is currently lending rates are higher than the benchmark interest rate under the circumstances, prepayment appear to interest on savings, but is worth. Equal principal and interest repayments have matching principal and interest repayments to the medium-term to medium termMortgage customers not in advance. Matching the principal and interest payments are monthly repayment amount of fixed, in which increasing repayments of principal, repayment interest rates decreasing, borrowers ' early interest that is weighted, principal share less. If the borrower to repay the medium-term and then select the prepayment, repaid much of interest, is principal of early repayment of part of the more, in this situation,Select prepayment not very meaningful. ����Equal principal repayment is one-third equal principal repayment period has expired for cent of mortgage prepayment nor cost-effective. It is understood that equivalent principal amount of loans is to divide the total cost of gold, according to the remaining principal payments of interest, as the repayment time increases, the remaining principal reduction, repayment of interest and moreThe less. ����According to estimates, using the repayment of loan repayment periods, when the repayment period of more than one-third, the borrowers have actually also a half interest diablo 3 gold, and then select the prepayment, more is principal repaid and cannot effectively save interest payments. Investment income is higher than the investment income is higher than the loan interest rate of loan interest rate is not appropriate in advance. Finance Division, despiteDiechu investment risk, but if you are not greedy, earned a year 10% is still very promising. Have been enjoying preferential interest rates to borrowers in 70 percent or 85 percent, even in the absence of good investment channels is not higher returns, but the current six-month, one-year yields on financing products mortgage interest rates are already higher than after discount, to meet after raising interest rates for mortgage interestSpending. ����For prepayment of the mortgage rates follow the benchmark interest rate of customers, or in the early repayment is enough money to pay for the balance of funds on hand, but there is no other investment channels, early repayment more effective at this time. For example, for a previously executed in benchmark interest rates home loan customers are also 5.94% of interest, this part of the customer's monthly monthly$ 7,129, implementation of 7.05% after the benchmark lending rate, this part of the customer monthly payment per month to $ 7,783, the difference between a more than $ 600, 20 poor accrued interest is $ 156,790. ����Some customers need ahead of mortgages. Analysis suggested that giving back loan forward attention to three issues: first of all to ask the Bank requirements, such as whether you charge for breach of contract damages.Customer also wants to prepare relevant documents, such as ID cards, loan contract to the Bank for examination and approval procedures. Customers are to get a surrender and mortgage solutions. Settle loans if the borrower, then, must carry a certificate in a timely manner, discharge and other rights of mortgage in the bank card to all area residential construction Commission do understand security. ����So their property could say that there is their own property. At presentIf is funds strength better of full paragraph purchase who, really to buy room words, problem also is unlikely to, after all prices does fell has a points; if is intends to loan purchase of room slave a family, that on must to cautious has, although prices drop has is, but down, and interest rate level, are rose to has history peak, mortgage cost has quite high diablo 3 power leveling, fell of prices part can rushed arrived in these increased of costSection, it is doubtful. Recommended reading Bank channel count of the day: counting the strange coin in the world (photo) inventory: world's weirdest coins (Group) 14 credit card security: deep bottom part of development banks first mortgage rates rose 10% custodial mothers deposit not be liable to pay interest in black men openly in the bank robberyEqual principal repayment has passed one-third in advance loan money? ���� Related link: inflation devalued mortgage regulation of breathing countdown prepayment cost any money? Spare cash money higher than the prepayment cost-effective investment savings bonds

