2011年11月24日 星期四

although European warfare jamming

129615116205000000_237211,098th color index by five West League winning mixed guess, no Saturday lineup color gorgeous, strength comparable date more Europe means without so much as a game supports Asia half/one more than the market, although steady bile is hard to find, but comprehensive master away many war blog bile. 01 Parade (09)5 Vera (06) the newly promoted nvwanggongyuanxunyouzhe inland Cup out early, the League 2 WINS 1 draw 2 defeat record, home 1-1 invincible. Weilaying glass 0-2 main Bolton, League 1 WINS 4 flat slightly depressed unbeaten. Parade on the track record near-08 British Cup1-0 winning competitors. Euro 99 average 2.34 3.22 ↑ Asia Johei o/semi-1 high water potential adverse. William. 2.37 ↓ 3 2.75 Hill and Li Bo 2.37 ↓ 3.25 3.1 negative dispersion of twoBig bad grasp. Zucai check three-zeros. 02 Cologne (12) 09-25 Huo Fenhai () 04 Cologne 2 WINS 1-3 record, team can win Hamburg and Louis Le Vau, home 1-2 defeat invincible. Huo Fenhai nearly two consecutive victories, 4 WINS 2 negative record, the primaryTeam 2 WINS 1 defeat. Track records in Cologne 3 WINS in 2-3 record, home 1 win 1 draw 2 defeat losing. Europe 99 average 2.82 ↑ 3.3 Johei/semi-1 234 percent-in Asia higher water potential danger. William. Hill 3 3.25Li Bo 2.75 3.6 and ↓ ↓ shengping dispersion of two considerable precaution to originate a primary victory. Zucai check three-zeros. 03 Bremen (02) 09-25 cyclone Heta (10) Nuremberg 3 Bremen upper whorl 1-1 and lose 2 points, 4 WINS 1 draw1 ranked second, arena three war victory brave and skillful in warfare. Mach go up Tower 2 say 3-1 defeat in the record, only in the first round of 0-1 main negative Nuremberg. Track record of 9 wins 4 defeat of Bremen arena are dominant. Europe 99 an average of 1.82 4.04 ↑ equivalent Asia-main dome 0.82 low water one snobThe better. William. 1.83 ↓ 3.8 ↑ 4 Hill and Li Bo ↑ 1.75 ↑ high two visiting team scoring difficult. Zucai Radio 3, check three-firsts. 04 Siena (17) 09-25 Lecce (10) Three-zeros three-wheeled main negative before the newly promoted Siena Juve and away draw Al-Qahtani and Rome are in fact straight game. 2 defeat of Lecce arena, team 2-0 defeated boluonikan are also reasonable. History of Siena 1 win 6-4 defeat, home 1 win 2 draw 2 defeat losing, it is the manner of ball playing mutual restraint. Europe 99 average 1.96 3.16 ↑ equivalent Asia-main dome 0.96-guided disc of high water potential. William. Hill 1.91 ↓ SNAI 1.95 3.2 and 3.5 ↑ 4 negative dispersion of two rather large. Zucai check 3/0. 05 Atlanta (06) 09-25 Nova (14) the newly promoted civil war, Atlanta almost two consecutive victories, three rounds of 1-2 before winning unbeaten start in Nice. Nova 3-1 of upper whorl arena defeating inter despite opponents ' cause, but has no strength and no less thanThe game. Recent plays last season, Atlanta main invincible. Europe 99 average 1.78 3.26 ↑ equivalent Asia-main dome 0.78 heat of low water potential. William. Hill 1.8 3.4 ↓ SNAI1.80 3.30 4.5 flat minus two is high to the disadvantage of the visiting team. Zucai Bo 3 diablo 3 gold, Supplement 1. 06 caliaitalia (04) 09-25 Udine (03) Cagliari 2 WINS 1 defeat, upper whorl 2-3 Palermo. Udinese next week Central Drogba war KatSpecial people, although European warfare jamming, but League 2 WINS 1 draw remained undefeated, upper whorl 1-1 AC Milan. History of Cagliari 5 WINS 4-15 defeat, Home 4-win 2-6 defeat losing. Europe 99 average 2.48 3.11 ↑ equivalent to sub main draw 0.7Hot 4 ultra low water potential. William. Hill 2.5 3.3 ↑ 2.8 ↓ and SNAI 2.45 3.25 high rate of loss is not easy to draw. Zucai three-zeros. 07 Al-Qahtani (07) 09-25 Juventus (02)Zero-third Catania 1 win 1 draw 1 defeat in the record, the last main Plaza 0-3 defeat to Genoa. Juventus 2 WINS 1 draw unbeaten, upper whorl forced home 1-1 Bolloni baoleng. History of Catania 1 win 5-4 defeat diablo 3 gold, Arena 2 draw 2 defeat losing, Nemesis is encountered natural enemies. Europe 99 average of 3.87 1.95 ↑ equivalent Asian Hemisphere 0.95 high water potential disadvantages. William. Hill 3.6 ↓ ↑ 3.4 ↑ and SNAI 3.75 3.25 high horizontalization and indemnity does not advocate the draw. Zucai check zero-third。

