2011年11月29日 星期二

also greatly damage theCentury old shops accumulate reputation. "With rose and shoe shop"

129667864489677892_454With the development of e-commerce, new theater of the old brand started opening up online shopping, from steamed puddings Qian, "Liang Yi Lung", has a history of "zhangxiaoquan" scissors, then to the inheritance of Millennium culture "Xiling Seal Engravers ' society" time-honored brands have test water e-commerce. Recently imitated but frequently ran a phishing site, not only harmful to the interests of consumers, also greatly damage theCentury old shops accumulate reputation. "With rose and shoe shop", for example, the search results up to 30,700, ordinary Internet users is difficult to tell the true from the false. Recently, reporters from the "trusted sites" verify administrative agency was informed in the network, in order to guard against fake phishing Web site, century-old rose and shoe stores have taken the lead in completing the "trusted sites" validation, becoming the first pass"Trusted sites" regular old enterprises one of the official website of the verification. Future consumers are accessing the same l and shoes store Web site may at any time through the identification of the site's "trusted sites" identities are verified, check the Internet for Commerce, industry information diablo 3 gold, website information diablo 3 power leveling, substantiate Web site identity authentication information such as domain name information, in case of "trusted sites" identities are verified not open or page errors, thenWould need to customers with care so as not to fall into traps of phishing site fraud. Experts said that the "trusted sites" verified and true information to Internet users through verification Web site provides free verification methods, convenient Internet screening website authenticity also help solve the problem of trust.

