2011年12月3日 星期六

enjoy preferential tax policies. Yesterday

129667750440459142_74Houses in Beijing relaxed 70% buyers discount houses in the city the standard adjustment, a large number due to the rising as a result of a "pseudo-luxury" zhaimao, enjoy preferential tax policies. Yesterday, the city construction Committee, the municipal local taxation Bureau promulgated the announcement Beijing, preferential housing average transaction prices of circular, implemented from the new deal since December 10. GeneralHouses lower threshold criterion of houses mainly related to the community of plot ratio diablo 3 gold, floor space of buildings and regional average transaction prices, once the deal was identified as a normal residential, to enjoy the tax concessions. This sets new standards on traded prices adjusted used to be calculated according to the price change on a per square meter price calculation. In accordance with the notification, the city enjoyed preferential policiesAverage transaction prices increase [news type price reviews]: in 2010 the city's average trading price of housing 18,000 yuan/square meter calculation, link zone and orientation for coefficient of adjustment. First of all, the factor divides the city into northern and southern regions, then broken down into four rings, four central to five rings, five ring to Liu Huan, six ring. After adjustment, the city enjoy the benefitsPolicy is the maximum average housing prices: four 38,880 Yuan/square meter in North, Central and southern regions was 34,560 Yuan/square meter, four Central-Northern five rings was 32,400 Yuan/square meter, 28,080 Yuan/square meter in the southern region, five to six 25,920 Yuan/square meter in North, Central and southern regions to 21,600 Yuan/square meter, six in the outer rim17,280 Yuan/square meter. In accordance with this standard, the city houses standards relaxed. Average transaction prices of housing in the city and regional adjustment coefficient will be based on Beijing housing market changes, and so adjusted and published. Extend the scope of preferential taxation as ordinary housing standards relaxed, more residential will enjoy preferential policies. Under the rules, individuals will purchase more than 5 years (With 5 years) of ordinary housing foreign sales, the exemption of business tax. Personal purchase ordinary houses, and the houses belonging to the family (members include the purchasers, spouses and minor children) the only housing, halving the contract. Individuals buy 90 square meters and the following ordinary homes, and the unique housing houses belonging to the family, according to 1% rate contract. New standard calculationsAverage transaction price per square meter price cap formula = (18,000 yuan/square meter)Preferential housing in the same region the average trading price of 1.2 times. According to the latest requirements, average trading price adjustments for preferential housing in Beijing: last year, the city's housing average transaction prices of 18,000 yuan/sq m, link zone and orientation for coefficient of adjustment, adjustment coefficients for the four rings on 1.8 in Northern and southern 1.6, four to five northern ring 1.5, South of 1.3, five to six 1.2 in Northern, Central, South 1, six ring 0.8. North-South differences than standard consistent market view insiders said, which sets new standards more refined, more in line with current market developments. First of all, in accordance with part circular distinction between North and South, more detailed, non-ordinary residence only in accordance with the circular of distinction before. And the NorthBeijing home prices in southern and Northern parts of the difference is larger, the same five-ring, North five rings may house prices higher than the South five rings above 30%, the new standard obviously consider more reasonable. Second, increased ordinary housing standards, basic anastomosis present development of the market. For example, rings outside the ordinary housing projects offshore to the East side [comments on the latest price type] (real estate information owners Forum), For example, the contract price of about $ 18,000 two 90 square meters, and sold for the sum of the $ 1.62 million. Need to be classified as non-ordinary housing before, deed tax, in accordance with the 3% pay, when you pay $ 48,600. After December 10, prices of houses are classified as the same type of houses diablo 3 gold, first suite minimum need only pay the deed tax $ 16200. If only for theOwner-occupied, 32400 will save taxes and fees. New deal evident in the fight against speculation in investment while protecting their own homes. Property control combination more powerful, executable and longer.

