2011年12月18日 星期日

since the operation began

129667889625146642_54Finance and the Central Bank announced on 29th to 11th this year in the interbank market open tender Treasury cash deposits, number 60 billion yuan, the period of 6 months. Historical data show that in December 2006, since the operation began, two times a month "blood transfusion" appears for the first time. Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) ran away some unit cut meatCertainly regret sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved swtor power leveling! Industrial securities analyst Cai Yanfei believes that increased the total tenders within one month, liquidity support to the banking system are obvious.  It also shows that, in the case of other means have not been exhausted, the Central Bank required reserves rate of dispense, remains cautious. ThisOutside swtor credits, the Central Bank this week NET invest 37 billion yuan on the open market in order to avoid sharp tightening in liquidity in the market.

