2011年12月3日 星期六

is this year's low. Recommended reading daily banking channelInventory

129668631877812500_85Foreign exchange statistics show on Friday October 2011 Bank Exchange settlement for customers surplus just US $ 3.2 billion, its lowest since the data published on a monthly. Coincidentally diablo 3 gold, banking for customers foreign to recover surplus amounted to us $ 10.9 billion, is this year's low. Recommended reading daily banking channelInventory: inventory of the world's most bizarre coin (pictures) inventory: world's weirdest coins (Group) 14 credit card security: deep bottom part of development banks first mortgage rates rose 10% custodial mothers deposit not be liable to pay interest in black men equal principal repayment was blatantly stealing money in the Bank passed one-third prepayment? IsWhat factors lead to changes in data diablo 3 power leveling, means that the revaluation of the renminbi is weakening it?   Sun Lijian on this observation. Sun Lijian: the first factor is that Europe and the serious economic problems, causing the external assets of the investment in China has a strong cash needs. Once the August 2008 issue a rerun of the Lehman, a cash machineRefactoring and companies can survive. If the thought of having to get in the market when liquidity funds, has the potential to market liquidity has been drained.   In today's market negative comments appear when everyone started the liquidated assets, China is no exception, there has been a lot of money back. The second situation, countries are committed to the capital market bubble problemOn with it, straightening out clean it.   Which caused a lot of future assets was not seen rising expectations of investors withdraw from the capital market, to identify opportunities to overseas investment, China's capital to overseas begin to emerge out of the phenomenon of, with the result that our flood of liquidity, inflation pressures appear to be released. The third reason is the pressure of RMB appreciationWeakened, particularly forward delivery market by a group depreciation of the exchange rate has began to appear, it is possible and we Chinese capital strategic go, hidden benefit to the people in a variety of micro-level, and promote closer relations at the enterprise level.

