2011年12月26日 星期一

enlargement. Although far from the South China Sea

129667750444052892_84The EU wants to be a sovereignty dispute over the South China Sea focal Viet Nam Prime Minister to China in vain "reversion" Paracel Islands response o joint military exercise between China and the Chinese side proposed the morning post, although China has repeatedly stressed the need to resolve the dispute through bilateral negotiations, but some forces have constantly issues complicate this even geographical distance distant European countries have also attempted to intervene. According to the Philippine media recently reported thatEuropean Agency for foreign operations in Southeast Asia Division Deputy head Philip * Amersfoort recently said the old republic power leveling, the South China Sea involving the EU's "vital interests", the EU does not want to see the South China Sea issue upgrade and is willing to play "Coordinator" role, "help" and other ASEAN countries to resolve the issue in the Philippines. In addition, according to Viet Nam media reported yesterday that Viet Nam Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung recently publicly demanding that ChinaSovereignty disputes of South China Sea Islands "reversion" Viet Nam. He said in a speech to Congress, Viet Nam must submit claims to the Islands, and in talks with China. Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Liu Weimin stressed yesterday, 21st century should be a century of peace, development and cooperation, the Asia-Pacific region should also be in line with this trend of the times. To maintain lasting peace in the Asia-Pacific regionAll parties should be the defenders of peace, stability, prosperity, and promote mutual respect, equal treatment, harmony and common development. The Asia-Pacific region to proceed from the realities and historical experience in the region, in full consultation, taking care of everyone's comfort. Liu Weimin Australia Defense Minister recently said it will consider and respond to the issue of Sino-US joint military exercises, said the Chinese side aGuan insisted on mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination of a new security concept. Cooperation in the peaceful development of the 21st century, with the Chinese side hopes that all parties can jointly uphold the concept. Claims to be important balancing force the Philippine Star newspaper reported that the news briefing, held at Brussels on 23rd, Amersfoort talk about "EU-Southeast Asia issue," said the EU would welcome from the ASEAN solutionsPut any request for help the issue. "With the development of strategy, the EU can become an important balancing force. "He said," the EU is ready to play the role of facilitator. It is a challenge for the EU, but we are prepared to consider to take the role. We genuinely hope that the South China Sea issue not to upgrade. "Amersfoort added, the EU believes that the sovereignty issueShall, in accordance with international law, be resolved through peaceful and cooperative manner. China stands for the South China Sea issue should be settled through friendly negotiation by the parties in a peaceful manner, firmly opposed to the independent State to intervene, against South China Sea issues of internationalization, multilateral, enlargement. Although far from the South China Sea, but the EU has an important interest in the region. For the European Union, the South China Sea was the Eastern Mediterranean zhihouLargest waterway, is an important channel of EU trade in and out of East Asia. In addition, due to the presence of us military bases, the region was a sensitive military zone. EU notes that the two countries engaged in this area arising from geopolitical considerations. "Is not to teach Asia" aims to promote the development of relations between Europe and Asia think tank institutions "EU-Asia Centre" Director Fraser *Cameron said distribution problems, solve the headaches of sovereignty disputes, the EU has "extensive expertise", "the associated countries and the ASEAN, is good". But he stressed: "the EU does not intervene directly in, but the desire to bring about peaceful solutions. "In 1970, the EU's predecessor the European Community has reached an agreement in principle, allowFishermen into the waters of Member States the same rights. Member States subsequently decided that the European Union is to manage fisheries within waters under its jurisdiction, as well as the best institution to preserve its fishery rights in the international negotiations. The EU's "common fisheries policy" is responsible for dealing with the protection measures, fleet management, environmental issues, statutory controls on access to resources and enforcement. Cameron said, the EU's model is still in theShow, although in principle apply to global, but not necessarily true for Asia. "The EU is not to teach in Asia. Merit selection of EU integration in Asia (regional aid, financial cooperation and the internal market). "The Philippine Star newspaper said that the EU's experience may be associated with the South China Sea, including the establishment of the common fisheries policy and fisheries set for the relevant national coordination, And the protection of marine resources, improving environmental standards and the settlement of disputes. "The longer term, the only effective way is to shelve the dispute and common development. "The Prime Minister said. Viet Nam pursuant to Viet Nam television plays an Nguyen Tan Dung said speech yesterday. He reaffirmed Viet Nam's position, claiming that Viet Nam has adequate legal and historical basis to confirm that sovereignty over the Xisha Islands swtor power leveling。 Nguyen Tan Dung said that Viet Nam's consistent policy is in the use of peaceful means to resolve disputes on the basis of international law. It is Viet Nam has for the first time senior leaders accused China of "occupation" Paracel Islands. In the South China Sea issue, China's position has always been clear that China has indisputable sovereignty in the South China Sea Islands and the nearby sea area.

