2012年6月9日 星期六

click to see Tao Ze film the fog Diablo 3 gold click to see Tao Ze film the fog - GIMT

129823422070625000_86Taozeruguyiping alternative interpretation of the Sichuan army fight to the bitter end brother Stills of the Sichuan army fight to the bitter end. Stills of the Sichuan army fight to the bitter end. Stills of the Sichuan army fight to the bitter end. NetEase entertainment on May 24 by Yiping Jia (click to see Yiping Jia film and video of the bathhouse), Tao Zeru (click to see Tao Ze film the fog, the bath Hall of Shanghai), Ke Hu (click to see Ke Hu film and the Hong WudaCase under, and chant spring under), and Wang Xun, and mark tribe, and Hu James, and Lang Zhou, many strength star joint starring, directed had cheongsam under, and large southwest of suppressing bandits in remember under, hit plays of strength director Li Shu (click Watch Li Shu television works large southwest of suppressing bandits in remember under) Tan outline directed, famous screenplay by methyl wrote of large war plays Sichuan army mission fight to the bitter end under currently is Xinjiang TV "in the depending on Fung TakPopular theatre "hit. Tao Zeru, Yiping Jia two the strength of the cast starred in the play Sun he and HKSAR, one is old and Foxy soldier, a young master of the soldiers, deduced the role for some alternative brothers. When the "second generation" encounter "PI" Tao Zeru, Yiping Jia is the audience is familiar with the strength of an actor, in recent years, two people hold hands [sleeves] render several different types of play for the audience. TheBroadcast of the Sichuan Army Corps fight to the bitter end is the duo's third collaboration after the wrong love life, and the great baths Hall has received good cooperation from Tao Zeru Diablo 3 gold, Yiping Jia together again starred in war of brothers, be more understanding. Roles in the past, the Sichuan Army Corps in a fight to the bitter end, their role is the ultimate. Tao Ze played muzzle licking blood for nearly 20 years, relying onChildren of soldiers fighting to eat oil and, Yiping Jia starred in the HKSAR is full of patriotic feelings, but no practical experience of Arthur. Personality can be described as very different from the background of the second person does not play strangers, start Sun he was top of the HKSAR by the back door of the platoon position, and Sun and hard feelings, tit. Sun and a bowl of boiled pork with strong and healthy chain in the forehead of the HKSAR, and all the soldiersFor Sun and hot for HKSAR, new army pants into a dirty rag, zengguangwaliang shoes have become the soldiers of "chamber pot", when the HKSAR Halo spectacle by shell shock on the ground, and the first Sun jumped out to much humiliation, who can be described as conflict. Quenched war another brother of Sun he and HKSAR are not strangers, get along full testy,But as the story progressed, two people know each other wow cd-key, HKSAR to prove that he is not a coward packed out, sneak into the enemy camp to carry back to the head of Japanese army squadron leader, Sun and start again looked at exclusion and humiliation by veterans of the HKSAR. After Sun he who hit Rob Jinjun arsenal will be executed, HKSAR rate people injured Guard soldiers of the Military Justice Department, risking death to the rescue TERA Gold, was ordered by the Commander-in-Chief of the pushOn the execution ground. This move was deeply shaken by Sun and inner, two from the opposition began to understand each other. After transferred to Shandong, Sun he was really from the heart for HKSAR, two from the opposition to fusion, admire each other, help each other, gradually formed a life and death in the fire and blood brothers, some alternative interpretation of the brothers war. Others:

