2012年6月9日 星期六

Gasol confident their extension is still the best one Diablo 3 Gold Gasol confident their extensio

129823466967343750_287Gasol: team has not committed to my confidence in the future is one of the best insider Yeah sporting May 24: Beijing time on May 24, the Lakers held a farewell press conference of the season yesterday and today, Gasol debut today, in an interview in about 20 minutes, said Gasol, the team and promises his stay problem-free, as well as last season's role change process itself, in his view, stop the second round this season, but still has its meaningWhile confident their extension is still the best player. 81 Diablo 3 Gold,518 Gasol at a farewell news conference time 2 hours 15 minutes later than scheduled, Gasol and coaches and managers talk about that for a long time. A reporter for Gasol is the problem of the fate of issues. "I want to get clarification at the top, but they have notGive me the answer. Management and team bosses have to talk about, determine the direction of teams next season, we have not conducted in-depth discussions. I want to also wear coat armor of the Lakers next season. "Gasol said SWTOR Credits," we had two days ago in the just-concluded season, is not easy. In fact, there's nothing to worry about, I have experienced this season (gossip),If something happens, it happens, and if not, I will be very happy to come back to start a new season. "When you finish answering the above questions, there was an episode, Gasol's credit card fell out from his pocket, he said he had just used this card as he and Kobe together provide pony paid 4,000 dollars, laughs, tense atmosphereEase when. Then on the back this season, Gasol said: "in the fall season, less training, coaching group is new, there is the potential for trading and rumors, there are a lot of things to deal with. But I think we have done very well. Every one of us has gone through this season, we are trying to obtain a successful season. On this point I was pretty proud of,Because this will be the last, I'm doing all I can to adjust. We all face different challenges from the parties, I thanked coach throughout the season for energy and support we provide. "Gasol this season from the second team headed to the evolution of the 3rd, he worked more on the Organization, he said:" I have always been a very good pass, line drive ballTeam, I think it is I am good at. And I spent a lot of time for adjustment of the role, as the 3rd, this is me in my professional career is not. Before in my team, I don't have to look for I attack opportunities, to change this season when I was having a little trouble. Lucky is that my overall helped me, and I'm on the court locationMoving outward, this is in fact our whole season was adjusted. "Summing up the season, Gasol feels that even if the second round was eliminated, this season also has its significance. Gasol said: "I would like to also make sense for us this year, we've made some progress this year, running between a group of players and coaches, are better than the first day of the seasonBetter. "Gasol said he will definitely representative of Spain attend the London Olympic Games," gold is our goal, and we will go all out to fight. "He said, while Bryant also participated in United States national team's training, they are most likely to meet at the Olympic Games, on this point TERA CD-key, Gasol said:" when Bryant and I talk about the Olympic Games, Bryant rushed me garbage."" Since I joined this team, I've been trying to do the best. If there's something out of my control, and then happened to him, I think it is part of the business. However these rumors indeed sometimes makes me feel depressed. "Gasol also talked about the rumors bothered him much of the season trading," negative matter and negative news AssociationOccur, especially when teams lose, I know this is part of the story, this impact would give me. "In spite of a lot of questioning, Gasol confident their extension is still the best one, he said:" I think I'm still the best post players in the League, if you want more weapons and score points for your team, it is to make good use of his�� �� Others:

