2012年6月13日 星期三

Korea Busan Station Rift Platinum Korea Busan Station - NLPD

129836429948906250_141Grand Prix of Busan Station Turkey light take Japan victory 3-2 Cuba Korea Yeah sporting on June 8: first week of group competition for the 2012 world women's volleyball Grand Prix, Korea Busan Station wow power leveling, lack of neisilihan of Turkey, 3-0 Wansheng alternate lineup to play Japan and Korea under the ice of the gold delayed Jing, 2-3 love defeated Cuba. Turkey 3-0 Japan Korea Busan station opening match in Turkey and Japan between。 Because just after playing Olympic consolation game, Japan has not sent all the main face. Turkey despite the lack of major support neisilihan, still smooth straight sets win, got the first game good start. Beginning of the first Turkey will soon open, leading 8-6 temporary closure of access to technology for the first time. Local stage Japan Diablo 3 gold, narrow the difference to 2 points, but theTurkey is also controlled the situation, to 25-19 to win a Council. Second game Turkey to online giving Japan pressed play well when suspended in two technology to leading and 8-3, respectively. Although Japan team in late stage once stubborn to score close to the 21-23, but Turkey to seize opportunity at a crucial time, even 2 points to 25-21 and then to winA Council. Third Japan will be of great love and new pot lisha main bench in succession, but still cannot contain has been making a powerful opponent, quickly lost local stage. Turkey proactive ability to score more, leading the way to lock 25-21 shengju, thus 3-0 total scores under arrest of Japan. This service Turkey's two main Gao Zide-songxierma and man-Aozisuoyi outstanding, got 14 points and 12 points, respectively, support Poland-wusilupeiliwan a measly 11 points. Japan main force field of personal independence and scoring 15 points awarded the game. Cuba 3-2 Korea and Japan at war as a consolation game of the Korea team and front of the Cuban team plays. Ice Jin Yan璟 of Korea, and the Cuban five labour, Labor Council for 2-3 defeat. Korea when suspended in two technology to leading and 8-5 Rift Platinum, respectively, while the Cuban team at the local weekend score to pull into a 23-, but Huang Yanzhu spiking and serving even get 2 points, Korea team to victory 25-23 forestall one ' s opponent by a show of strength. Second Korea team in local stage behind the case, implement fanchao to 24-23 at the end get judian. But the Cuban teamPlayed unusually tenacious, judian back to even get 2 points after 25, 27-25 hard to regain a Council. Third Council Korea team started well, technology for the first time, pausing at 8-3 lead time. However since then Korea has since went along, was lost in a row when the Cuban team technology suspended a second time to 16-10 fanchao. Cuban teams continuing their victorious pursuit to to 25-18 and then the nextCity. Directorate IV when the Cuban team in the temporary closure of two technical and 8-5 respectively-leading, but the bite of Korea, counterattack successfully recover to 20 at the end, and after 22 consecutive scores, to 25-23 a narrow victory. The final Internet boom control of Cuba, limit Korea team's quick attack, leading 8-4 Exchange site. After edge Korea raise a tapping quality tightBut due to too many left behind, also was defeated with 11-15. Cuban teams eventually caught with 3-2 Korea. This service Korea support Huang Yanzhu of independence 25 minutes, main Han Yumei and middle hitter Yang Xiaozhen is down 14 points. Middle hitter Jill of the Cuban team scored the most goals, and Huang Yanzhu also recorded 25 points, main Salas gains 17, Palacios and SantosGet 16 points respectively. Tomorrow's Grand Prix of Korea Pusan station will conduct a second round of competition, Korea will challenge Turkey, Cuba Japan team. Others:

