2012年6月9日 星期六

[scroll] CDB Ali Group $ 2 billion of long-term financing TERA Power Leveling [scroll] CDB Ali Gr

129823520573437500_94Lenovo scale of emerging market is not profitable to drive profits Lenovo (00992. HK) yesterday two thousand eleven-two thousand twelveths results for the fiscal year, sales, market share, and this fiscal year pre-tax profits hit a record high. However, some is unfortunate, while emerging markets have improved, but still not profitable. Lenovo $ 37% per cent sales growth for the year Diablo 3 CD-KEY, net profit of 473 million dollars, Rose 73%, market shares reach all-time high of 12.9%. At the same time, Lenovo jump to become the world's second-largest computer manufacturer in this fiscal year. According to the fourth quarter of last year, associations in the global emerging markets, growth in mature markets, consumer and business markets than any other major PC manufacturers, market share in the consumer market, and maturity of two for the first timeThe number. As far as the regional market TERA Power Leveling, China's market and the mature market is still important impetus to boost Lenovo revenue and profit growth. Lenovo China revenue 42%. In mature markets, Lenovo and NEC joint venture company set up by a comprehensive operation and completion of acquisition of Medion, Lenovo's consolidated sales rose from $ 85% to $ 3.4 billion, total globalSales 45%, 81% PC sales growth, particularly in North America, 26% Lenovo PC sales growth. Lenovo in the mature market share for the first time at 10%. While emerging markets have improved, but still not profitable. Results showed that emerging markets than the Lenovo revenue 16%, 43% sales growth to $ 1.2 billion, salesThan 50%. Yang yuanqing, Lenovo Group Chairman and Chief Executive said, profitability has improved significantly in emerging markets outside China, close to break even, almost all emerging markets increase the share, he believed, when Lenovo's overall share in emerging markets at 10% will be able to turn around, but when he did not expect to achieve. Yang believed thatThere is still a lot of room to improve profits. "Because of the intense competition, started phase margins must be very low, and we have to be patient for some time, from a long-term perspective, when you scale up to a certain extent, both the emerging market is a mature market, profit margins will be closer to the overall level of China, this is the associative space to improve profits," Yang said, "first of all, weTo scale, and be more profitable. "Huang Weiming pointed out that Chief Financial Officer, Lenovo's overall turnover this year are confident that we can beat the global average wow power leveling, probably at least 10%~20% of growth, but also have the confidence to continue growth in net profit. Up to yesterday's close, Lenovo fell 1.45% per cent to HK $ 6.78. 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