2012年1月8日 星期日

Analysts pointed out that

129667889746552892_369United States personal income growth is slowing, worker's income as a proportion of gross national income is in decline, increases risk of decline in consumer spending in the coming year. According to United States Commerce Department data showed November 22, this year between April to September, United States average annual growth rate of gross national income is 2.8%,After 6 months of growth 4.3%. In the previous quarter, wages as a proportion of gross national income hit lowest level since 1955; in contrast, belong to the company's earnings as a proportion of gross national income is its highest level since 1950, suggesting fears that eurozone defaults will have Member States and the United States deficit reduction onLiable to a situation of stalemate will continue, and United States companies are hoarding cash.   Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved star wars the old republic power leveling! Analysts pointed out that, as the number of staff and companies employing staff because of no growth, is expected in 2012 United States energy dissipationThemselves will be budget cuts, this means that consumer spending will fall. Bank of America Merrill Lynch global research company (Bank of America Merrill Lynch), Senior Economist Michelle Meyer in New York (Michelle Meyer) said: "the company's cautious attitude, are unwilling to hire employees,Rather as in previous periods of economic expansion as profits passed on to consumers. The wage situation of slow growth, consumer spending is flagging. "United States stocks rose today, due to market speculation eurozone leaders will take additional measures to protect against the sovereign debt crisis. United States Treasury prices fall, yields on the benchmark 10-year period from November 24Up to 1.89% of. Germany's Chancellor Angela-Merkel (Angela Merkel) yesterday reiterated its position against joint issue Eurobonds, caused bond markets, EU leaders will agree to use the euro to optimism about the resolution of sovereign debt crisis hit. Russia's Central Bank decided to keep its benchmark interest rate at today 8.25% unchanged earlier this year the Bank had two interest-because the eurozone sovereign debt crises lead to a cash shortage of the country's economy.  Russia officials are trying to prevent capital outflows, while Western European countries are withdrawing funds from a bank to deal with the debt crisis. In Asia, in October Japan's consumer prices fell for the first time since June, leading to the Bank of Japan economicOut of the expected deflation cycle is suspected. Japan today announced the national statistical office reported that in October the old republic power leveling, consumer prices excluding fresh food from a year earlier by 0.1%.

