2012年1月31日 星期二

swtor credits pressured domestic sugar prices fell - FMA

129667837442490392_347Outer disc ICE sugar this week March contracts of continuous decline. As of publication date, ICE3 month sugar has been received in 23.09 cents/pound, weeks or 0.88 per cent cents a share star wars the old republic power leveling, or 3.67%. Technical form, the March issue of sugar prices formed short order along the Brin rail runs under the channel, MACD grew green column, indicates that the outer discPrices are in decline.   Global high yield as well as traditional importers of sugar production for upgrading, the global consumption on a downward risk, foreign advisory boards outside the sugar in the next is expected to be received under 20 cents/pound. International news, Indonesian sugar Association said Indonesia this crop year sugar output estimated at 2.2 million tons, far less than the earlier estimate of 2.57 million tons. Philippine sugar regulationSector, due to the increase in production as of November 6, raw sugar stocks in the country increased to 289,078 tons, representing an increase of about 219% last year. Ukraine producers association said Ukraine producing refined sugar in beet 1.94 million tons, representing a growth of 40%. India Trade Minister stated that the Government had decided to approve export 1 million tons, this figure is forecastTwice times the news dragged down the global fall in sugar prices. Domestic stock, producing areas in Nanning brokers quote $ 7,080, weeks fell nearly 370 Yuan/ton. Under the influence of Zheng sugar weeks plunged and domestic sugar supply, consumer Summit's delay driven price increases before the section. Analyze the reasons, because the continuous outer disc sugar prices declined, imported sugar surge in profits。   It is estimated that as of now, the Thailand sugar imports cost at about $ 6 swtor credits,000 Diablo 3 Power Leveling, while Brazil cost estimation of raw sugar imports around 6,300, integrated computing processing dutiable cost of imported raw sugar profits will be higher than 900 Yuan/ton, after hitting a national day of record highs. Rising Futures Research Center analyst Chen Hongli analysis from your side, this week sugar Zheng 1205ICE sugar futures continued to fall while one ended lower, Zheng sugar oscillation down on Friday, closing at $ 6,276, week decreases of $ 296. Technology on morphology, Zheng sugar prices in the short pattern and Brin rapidly expanding channel, track down, under the date line is already in orbit, running under, MACD green columns continue to long, full week decline are obvious. Now expect domestic new high yield of sugar, the marketPatrons imports increased sugar continued to fall, pressured domestic sugar prices fell, although the zce warehouse receipt is zero, which will help, but well-funded, bargain, either 6,500 or early lows have been broken, it is recommended that investors want to ride the, trend of paying close attention to foreign sugar, light warehouses short, or participate in the days of operation.

