2012年1月8日 星期日

Diablo 3 Gold DYF

129668515155625000_5Iran if it was threatened to attack Turkey anti-missile system Information: Iran missile units. It is learned, Iran Islamic revolution Guards Corps Commander of the aviation sector Gadzhizade (Amir-Ali Hajizadeh), said that if Iran were foreign threat of military action, Iran will attack first NATO in Turkey of a missile defense system. It was reported that Gadzhizade in Iran Western City of Khorramabad on members of the publicTable talk swtor credits, pointing out that Iran's position was "tit for tat" to confront "threats". He said: "if we were threatened, we are ready to launch strikes first goal is NATO in Turkey of anti-ballistic missile systems". It is reported that his Department in charge of Iran's Revolutionary Guard missile systems. Reported that, before although Iran officials have several times said if Iran were attacked Diablo 3 Gold, will be the warMissile attack on Israel, but the position of the Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan zade is Iran or represented for the first time for Turkey to launch military action. On November 8, the International Atomic Energy Agency issued a report that Iran's nuclear program for military purposes or, due to the outside world to the West, Israel and other countries on Iran to force guessing. Earlier in the Gadzhizade also said that if Israel on Iran used force in IraqLang will launch reprisal, Israel "thrown into the dustbin of history". September this year, the United States and Turkey Joint says NATO will deploy the early warning radar system to guard against missile threats from outside Europe, Defense covers Iran into account. United States according to the Pentagon, the defense is expected to start running this year. Iran Defence Minister Vahidi immediately on NATOThe plan to express their dissatisfaction, believing that Western military presence in the Islamic countries will only lead to more security risks. Vahidi said, against Iran's provocations would be strongly repelled. Iran Foreign Ministry spokesman also warned NATO's anti-missile plan when meihemanpalasite on November 16, saying Turkey deploying ABM systems would trigger a regional concern. HeSaid that Turkey was Iran's friends and neighbours, Iran to Turkey officials have expressed that concern. Turkey said on 15th, in deploying ABM systems on the issue, Turkey will do independent decisions. Turkey media reports, Prime Minister Erdogan said on 15th, if you are in Turkey to deploy anti-ballistic missile systems, you should by Turkey right to master the control of anti-missile systems.

