2012年2月25日 星期六

cheap runescape items 2012 in Japan national screening - FJU

129724992319144344_7Director choupai black and white large dike Sachihiko 5 years about vagabond life The MY HOUSE photos. M1905 authorized published the movie network on January 31 (compilation/Ji Zhongpeng) has directed the 20th century juvenile series cheap runescape items, the SPEC: hit films such as days of Japan Director Dyke Sachihiko, choupai nearly 5 years of black and white film movie in MY HOUSE will be May 2012 in Japan release. The film is by describing theHomeless life, reflecting "where happiness is? "Social problems. Dyke Sachihiko revealed that entire movie without too many music rendering, nostalgic images he thinks black and white film, more can arouse the viewer's imagination. In addition, dikes to this film as his representatives in the 50 years of age, he hoped that through this film, that reflect the real social problems。 Movie hero named Suzuki, Dyke said Sachihiko Suzuki who is a wanderer rs items for sale, through his tact in the live show on the road, contrast of modern social ignorance. "Suzuki today real figure, wandering around in his day for high school students, took to the road to success and choose to behave in life in the capitalist system produce excessive cleanliness familyWomen, through all kinds of people, contrast in today's society there that a group of homeless living portrayal as does not have a fixed residence. Film depicting the Tokyo, Osaka and the values of different parts of the metropolitan city of Nagoya and mundane story, this is my hometown. "The MY HOUSE will be held on May 26, 2012 in Japan national screening buy runescape items, shitianaili, andMei Road, warlords stars such as mucunduojiang will be very very nicely acted. Others:

