2012年2月17日 星期五

the secret world power leveling - BLK

129724941979456844_7"The magazine Roundup" according to the economic information daily news in the upcoming election in 2012, the United States trade with China clearly hardened their attitude.   United States President Barack Obama recently announced the establishment of a trade law enforcement departments, investigates the so-called countries like China "unfair trade practices". Obama said tera power leveling, "to give the United StatesOpen new markets, I willing to go anywhere in the world. When our rivals acting by the rules, I will not stand idly by, our trade case against China is almost twice the previous Government, which has received effect. "He said, will not withdraw because of resistance on clean energy promise" not to wind, solar or (high tech)Battery industry lost China or Germany. "In this regard, some analysts believe that this year is an election year, Republican candidates have started to hype the Chinese issue diablo 3 gold, Mr Obama's tough stance on trade with China was intended to win over some voters and avoid give ammunition to the Republican. There is analysis says that in the context of elections, if the United States economic stagnation, high unemployment, So patience is likely to run out of Congress the secret world power leveling, will increase the possibility of a global trade war. Global investment strategist, United States well-known financial analyst Martin · Hutchinson warned, Obama announced the establishment of a special investigation of countries such as China "trade practices" new institutions for United States exports the escort, a move that could lead to dangerous global trade war. He believed that "this is theTrade protectionism, and possible reprisals. "" Author: Caijing Roundup "(Editor: Deng Meiling) Others:

