2012年2月1日 星期三

Diablo 3 Gold representing a-stock directional add-issuance of 4.7 billion shares - PML

129725023499769344_47Refinancing of Bank equity financing to wind up at the beginning of 90 billion take-over The beginning of each year, is a bank refinancing schemes "cloud" set of sessions, and in 2011, rain falls only has one or two drops. This also means that most of the published programme Bank, are likely to be the rain to descend the refinancing in 2012. In last year's refinancing scenarios, the agricultural Bank of China, Bank of subordinated debt financing programme has been implemented, and equity financing is notAre the lucky ones. Bank of Beijing just there was RMB 11.8 billion private placement plan approved messages, Minsheng Bank total about $ 29 billion of refinancing, 35 billion yuan of China Merchants Bank's planned rights do not yet have the latest news, plus the Everbright Bank of h-share listing timetable still dateless, rumored shrink to 20 billion Hong Kong dollar funding fell into this year. Numbers,By rights issues left over from last year and then size has exceeded the $ 90 billion. 2011 refinancing: less done in early 2011, Minsheng Bank, agricultural Bank, Societe Generale banks announced a refinancing scheme star wars the old republic power leveling, then, China Merchants Bank, Bank of Beijing and China Everbright Bank refinancing have been approved by regulators. But because of the complex marketEnvironment, in addition to directional add-issuance of Huaxia Bank and CITIC Bank financing A+H share rights issue completion, as well as the issuance of subordinated debt to add ABC subsidiary capital, Bank and other banks in addition to the successful bond last year, a number of banks refinancing scheme was shelved. In February 2011, announcement of Huaxia Bank, securities and Futures Commission has approved the non-public offering of Huaxia Bank 1.859 billion new shares. According toHuaxia Bank had previously announced programme, developed to the estimated 1.859 billion of additional shares of Huaxia Bank, issuing price is $ 11.17/unit swtor power leveling, financing not exceeding a total of $ 20.8 billion, after deducting the costs associated with all designed to complement the core capital. The end of April, scheduled for completion increased 1.859 billion shares of Huaxia Bank, issuing price is $ 10.87/unit, raised NET funds for 201.$ 600 million. Also in 2011 completion of refinancing of CITIC Industrial Bank. The evening of July 31, China CITIC Bank release announcement Diablo 3 Gold, a h-shares have been implemented, raising the net amount of the two cities about 25.667 billion yuan. CITIC Bank, said the a-share and h share rights issue to raise funds total amount of RMB 17.561 billion yuan and HK9.946 billion RMB (equivalent to RMB 8.225 billion). Bank of Beijing in the early new year 's, there came the news of the refinancing programmes approved. On January 31, the Bank announcement said, the Bank's private placement programme is the China Securities Regulatory Commission approval, the official reply from approved valid for 6 months from the date of issue. Bank of Beijing in April last year announced the Bank private placementProgramme in 2010 was the high votes of the shareholders, to develop to the financing of not more than $ 11.8 billion of additional. Cmbc and China Merchants Bank is not so smooth. Amid dispute, Minsheng Bank refinancing scheme modified September 2011 the CBRC release, Minsheng Bank Minsheng bank personnel revealed that refinancing needs approval of the SFC, "specific implementationThere is still no timetable ". Minsheng Bank had previously modified refinancing programme, abandoned a-stock directional add-issuance, to 20 billion yuan convertible bond issuance and issuance of not exceeding 1.651 billion h-shares, refinancing the total size of about $ 29 billion, representing a-stock directional add-issuance of 4.7 billion shares, raise up to $ 21.479 billion have been significantly improved. In October last year, according to mediaReports, China Merchants Bank's planned funds up to 35 billion yuan, the fastest possible to commence in November 2011. It is learnt that the gold in China Merchants Bank has appointed Citibank, UBS, Goldman Sachs and arrangement, but still waiting for the approval of the SFC. A number of banks for the current market rumours of a refinancing plan may be stranded, Minsheng banking said the refinancing programmePending regulatory approval, refinancing plans have not changed. At the end of April last year won the China Banking Regulatory Commission officially approved, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange after formally submitting the listing application, China Everbright Bank begins the process of a long waiting list window. Many brokerage analysts in an interview with the securities journal, pointed out that the Hong Kong market in the short term it's hard to pick up, in thisEnvironment, to wait for the listing needs to be patient. According to local media reports late last year, China Everbright group chairman Tang shuangning, Chairman of China Everbright Bank, Everbright Bank currently listed in Hong Kong is not a timetable. Many analysts said in an interview with reporters, market environment is not really good timing to market last year. The Everbright Bank employees in a media interviewSaid 2012 there will be a good window of opportunity in the first half. Previously there was talk, China Everbright Bank shares amount raised can be planned 40 billion have plunged to less than 20 billion Hong Kong dollars. Tang shuangning did not directly answer in an interview in Hong Kong's size is reduced. 2012 financing to be continued: subprime main apart from a few had been given supervisionOther than approval of outstanding bank refinancing plan, 2012 refinancing market, hilarious may continue. But in refinancing situation similar to last year, subordinated debt may continue to be this year's "flagship." From the beginning of last year, either the four main lines, joint-stock banks or the city commercial banks, in terms of both subordinated debt issued messages keep pouring in. According to statistics, only fiveSubordinated debt issuance has reached $ 186 billion. National Securities Banking Analyst Zhang Jing said in an interview with the securities journal, mass 2010 banks ' core capital complements 2011 is mainly through the issuance of subordinated debt to supplement subsidiary capital, then there will be more banks are expected through issuance of subordinated debt that way. Go ahead andYear secondary debt market, interest rates soared, Minsheng Bank banks subprime loan annual interest rate is super 5%, but still contain many banks to issue bonds of impulses. "2012 banking equity financing becomes less necessary, banks will continue to issue subordinated debt. "Orient securities jinlin said. Market at the beginning, seems to have fulfilled analyst's judgement�� The evening of January 17, 2012, China merchants and CITIC each of the two banks disclosed the refinancing plan, with China Merchants Bank to be not more than 20 billion yuan of special financial bond for the small micro-enterprises, CITIC plans to issue designed to complement the total scale of 50 billion yuan renminbi bonds subsidiary capital. China Merchants Bank announcement said it has received and the reply of the people's Bank of China Banking Regulatory Commission, agreed to send itNot more than $ 20 billion financial debt, raise money entirely for small micro-enterprise loans. China CITIC Bank announcement said, the company Board of Directors has adopted a resolution, plans to issue no more than 20 billion yuan, duration of not less than 5-year subordinated debt, to raise funds would be used to supplement the Bank subsidiary of capital in order to improve their capital adequacy ratios. At the same time, China CITIC Bank will release no more than 30 billion yuan, Any period not exceeding 5 years of special financial bond for the small micro-enterprises. "Equity financing has largely come to an end when, 2012 if the capital adequacy of banks followed by relative state of tension, or if you need money, so basically will choose to use of subordinated debt to supplement solutions subsidiary capital. "National security Zhang Jing said.

