2012年2月19日 星期日

tera power leveling easy to do online homework - HDG

129733877415783750_208After the winter break, many students may not complete the winter jobs to worry about, some of them can be made in order to start the job, even students take to copy. So, holiday job reform may be an inevitable trend.  Explore new forms of work, allowing students to independent to do the job, found in the learning fun. Recently, the city's original oldTeacher in a special way to lay out jobs. In winter, students use Twitter or blog do job, copy job, and rate the teacher comments on the Web to encourage students.  Fresh, fun, interactive, small burden, love playing with Twitter children happy. Blogs WOW золото, micro-Bo Sun jobs before the winter holidays, the head teacher in a primary school had arranged a special jobs for the students: students in BoSubmit jobs in the form of a published journal, according to the blog page views and user evaluation scores.  This changes the previous print job boring, many students like to this form. Now this approach to using micro-blog and blog educational interactive has been loved by many teachers and students, has also become a network application to a way of education. It is understood that the presentMany school teachers will set the class blog, either of the head teacher and teachers work together to preserve, published some exercises in the above topic, read a book recommendation, class and school news and announcements, which also became a platform for the exchange of students, parents and teachers. Many of the students in class on the blog comments, comments, this name without leaving their usual embarrassed to say tera power leveling,。 Li Junhong Yueyang road elementary school teacher told a press conference, the school's headmaster also writes a blog, students, parents, like regular surfing, message, look at the various events and activities in schools.  While the class blog is a good place for the exchange of teachers and students, teacher in each class are now carefully maintain it. Because like Internet access, is interested in this new way of job,Many students have to submit the job on time.  Grade xiaoxin (pseudonym) in his blog regularly submit their own holidays 22 written by journal, while teachers are in their class on the blog comments on student papers, and give recognition to encourage it to complete outstanding students, and show good job. One with a normal heart and do your homework online, manyParents expressed support for such an approach. Parents reflect that child access to the Internet only to play games in the past, now teacher requires access to the Internet to gather information, scripting editorials, learning experience, to meet the students ' curiosity for network and let the child do some meaningful things. Teachers will be comments in a timely manner according to the students ' regular jobs, enabling students to understand their own jobDefects, forming an interactive way of teaching. Parents Zhu Xiao told a press conference, he himself heard about Twitter and blogs Sun jobs, although their children's teacher in charge is not required, but on the child is still often the teacher's blog holiday learning to communicate with their teachers. During the holidays, teachers often make some holiday suggestions on Twitter diablo 3 power leveling, to encourage the students."I think this is good. Many of the teachers are young people, will make use of the way kids want to communicate with them, will be incorporated into the daily teaching these kids learn fun, low stress.  "Zhu said. However, some parents have criticism towards Sun blog job. Some teachers will make comments on each of the parents for the child jobs, andAnd when the score based on the Tweets and blog hits score, scoring high praise the teacher in class. Envy of the children to win praised by teachers, students, begged his parents help with homework, and to allow relatives and friends to comment, to increase your click-through rate.  In time, blogging jobs, where rivalries between students and parents outside of work. Some homeLong says, wish the teacher would later improve the score of blogs, micro-blogging jobs, even cancel the scoring of this link, just on his own blog on appropriate comments on student papers, to show excellent work in a blog. "Don't what ranking evaluation, which would reflect backward, and then brought to the Internet, so, after children not only will be onThis was dull, no show jobs of interest.  "Zhu recommended said. Online jobs are not lazy journalists for "would you like to do online job" interviews with some of the city's elementary school students, most of the children to be like. Computer just a game for them in the past, only let them rest MOM and dad play online. Now they canTo officially do "serious business", Discover Network also has many practical uses. Small tea's son is 5 years old, did not go to school, but because of the painting with the participation of the teachers will often use Twitter and blogs, small tea will check online often teacher tweets teacher above shows paintings of children. "Son often told me, MOM online, teacherIs my work. He is fresh and interesting, painting was an improvement. "But she also heard friends around said, online homework kids getting lazy. "On the friends of the children in the third grade, easy to do online homework, Friends Discovery Kids handwriting is not, however, children also often said that with computer typing, Word is well written doesn't do me much good. Friend was upset。  "In addition, due to the rich online resources, many parents reflect their children will secretly to look over your homework answer or essay examples, and then your completes a modified modified job, but rather give children opportunities for a lazy, do not use their brains. Can't deny online homework was set well, teachers can use the network update class information or phases forTo avoid students attached to do the job. But this form remains to be perfected, to enable students to be able to really use the network to do meaningful things, we would like to see. Others:

