2012年2月29日 星期三

eq2 platinum Wen Jie - WZH

129748908804375000_277"" Financial report "economic observer network message, Director of the Center for housing policy studies Hong Chin recently said, 2011 housing policy results, impact of monetary policies on the real estate market even greater than the loan limit, limit and the sales quota. Hong Chin said the 2011 "eight" policy introduced in 2010 and "ten" policyContinued influence aoc gold, investment demand in the housing market last year was suppressed. At the same time increasing the construction of affordable housing age of conan gold, further to meet the requirements. After a year of tough policy, market supply and demand relations have changed, the policies embodied in the four main areas, "investment and speculation needs to be inhibited eq2 platinum, supply and demand are adjustments; in some cities there have been price adjustmentsEnterprises invested more cautious; enterprise performance differentiation clearly. " In her view, the real estate regulatory policy of last year change mainly on monetary policy and should CPI inflation control of monetary policy tightening, impact of monetary policies on the real estate market even greater than the loan limit, limit and the sales quota. (Editors: Wen Jie)

