2012年2月25日 星期六

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129742939237968750_381The World Bank said in a statement on February 17, the Bank's Executive Board has opened the nomination process of the new head of the World Bank, the Board is expected to be in the spring of April 22 this year prior to the annual meeting to elect the new President. Prior to this, the current World Bank President Robert Zoellick announced on 15th, will expire on June 30 this year, 5-year termLeave after. Summarizes the first summarizes the contribution of Zoellick's term, and expressed deep appreciation to them. Directors also underscored the importance of candidates enroll only those who are outstanding cheap runescape items, Governor and the principle of transparency, said before the March 23 nominations, nominees can be a group of Executive Directors rs items for sale, Executive Government represented by the directors or by the Executive Director nominations, candidates mustFrom the Bank's member countries. Directors listed candidates "requirements", including: be fully proven leadership skills; have management experience and familiarity with the public sector of the international large; clear and clear vision for the development of the World Bank; recognition of multilateral cooperation and have a firm belief; strong diplomatic skills and in related positions demonstrated impartiality and objectivitySexual. ����Finally, bed 3 final candidates would be chosen from a list of candidates, and in the midst of a new head of the World Bank. Directors will be responsible for organization of the World Bank institutions of day-to-day business, exercised by the highest authority in the terms granted by the Council. A total of 24 people, Executive Director, 5 of them by a maximum of five shareholders United States runescape items for sale, and Japan and the United Kingdom, and Germany, andFrance appointed, and 19 members elected by the governing group by region of the other Member States. Analysts said over the years, the United States as the largest shareholders of the Bank, head of the World Bank offices are held by Americans. ����Although the developing countries that want to refer this position from the United States than people to assume, but unlikely for now to change this tradition. OtherOutside the news that United States current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former United States National Economic Council Director Lawrence Summers would be the front-runner. But made clear he would not participate in the election in the former, the latter not to comment on this. Others:

