2012年2月1日 星期三

swtor power leveling community - OPR

129724942031019344_117"Financial under integrated reported" according to Xinjiang daily network reported, Xinjiang Autonomous Region Party Committee recently decided, cut from more than 8,000 over public security since delimiting the civilian police, implementation full area village level police works room "a village a police", and "a village more police", led three name above Association police and the six name above militia, and joint defense players, common do rural, and community patrol control, and floating population service management, and investigated and dealt with non-Method of religious activities, focused on management and control of personnel work of preserving stability. This is Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Party Committee proceeding from the special area of Xinjiang, basis to consolidate stability, consolidate the grassroots to ensure long-term peace and stability to take important measures. Xinjiang Autonomous Region will strengthen the (Street) stability for comprehensive management centres and rural areas (communities) police development focusing on tamping the basic work of politics and law.According to describes, Xinjiang full area future a period, will full strengthened Township (Street) fully mechanized treatment dimension stability Center construction, through perfect mechanism system, guarantee fully mechanized treatment dimension stability Center role full played, not only to "a station type", and "one-stop" service masses, while to played integrated study dimension stability situation, and integration scheduling dimension stability forces, and coordination regulation illegal religious activities, comprehensive functions, reallyManagement consolidation, concentration of social services, law enforcement cooperation. At the same time swtor power leveling, stability work of perfecting mechanism, with strong homogeneous distribution zhuangan for comprehensive management, strengthen the construction of grass-roots mass prevention and formed Township (Street) duing centers for comprehensive management lead, the village (community) police unit, strength of all mass prevention and participatory system, a bid to form a grassroots work "six"Pattern. This reporter has learned, over Xinjiang autonomous regional party Committee recently decided to cut from more than 8,000 police self delimiting the civilian police to enrich rural areas (communities) grass-roots level, at present, the first batch of police recruiting was pay close attention to, the public security organs were recorded in the new civilian police for the reasonable in place before the transition, drawn through the police force to sink, STM, certificate with a capacity of retired police and otherMethods, organization of 3,000 civilian full policing to ensure that key village (community) police unit running after the Spring Festival begins. Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region also called, party committees and Governments throughout the region, relevant departments must earnestly do a good police force and militia of hire, equipped with work, solving the police offices, buildings for living and working conditions, ensure normal police regularRunning. At the same time Diablo 3 Power Leveling, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Party Committee according to the requirements of stability this year, also the deployment of all localities and departments to carry out outstanding problems in key areas and centralized rectification and special action. Emphasized that all localities should strengthen funding for grassroots political and legal stability, establishing and perfecting government investment and social spending, combining the basic funding mechanism, in full and on time guarantee swtor power leveling, and asEconomic development and an increase in financial resources to strengthen gradually, promoting the level of political and legal work of Xinjiang Autonomous Region protection. "Author: Caijing Roundup" (Editor: Enami)

