2012年2月11日 星期六

tera power leveling Fax machines - OIU

129733877376877500_139The few fight in the Japanese TV company in the global market, has faced an unprecedented loss of sharp 2011 fiscal year.  Yen for high pressure, sluggish this LCD TV panel market giants feel embarrassed. Sharp sharp recent history suffered the most losses year release announcement, due to LCD TV prices drop, as well as the economic slowdown, Companies are expected to be in net loss for the fiscal year ended March 31 of 290 billion yen (about US $ 3.8 billion). This is since its biggest annual loss in Sharpe.  For the loss, Sharpe explained that the main reason is that due to the economic slowdown, as well as LCD TV price drop. In recent years, the once maximalist Japanese TV companies lose shine, Sony will have to face the eighth loss year, Matsushita, Toshiba (micro-blogging) products have been significantly marginalized, Hitachi has quit the TV manufacturing. Sharpe was the only one by one on the TV product and business structure, "keeping up with the trend of" Japanese business.  Even people in the industry say, seeing sharp feel that Japanese companies are still alive. Compare with Sony, Panasonic, sharpPotential lies upstream of the LCD panel production lines. As Japan's largest manufacturers of LCD TVs, LCD panel sales revenues accounted for sharp 30% per cent of total revenue. However, "the same person defeated Xiao He."  Over the years through the screen edge, sharp lower unit cost the old republic Warzone Commendation power leveling, but in the global panel of "winter", suffering sharp statements. Industry body DisplaAccording to ySearch tera power leveling, Panel prices fell for 16 consecutive months, had dropped below bottom line price. Appliance analyst Hong Shibin believed that sharp is one of the main panel manufacturers in the world, however, in a general downturn of Panel background, more sales, more than the more losses, has been proud of back leg panels business last year was really sharp.Notices and annual report issued at the same time, sharp began to respond.  According to Nikkei News reported, sharp recently decided, its main LCD TV Panel factory Sakai plant will from now on production 50% tor Warzone Commendation power leveling, production period is expected to last 1 month or more. Do it yourself product structure with a single problem, years of losses were realized by sharp knotFrame a single problem. In October last year, sharp began his business in China to adjust.  Sharpe set up investment companies in China at the same time, also decided to set up a healthy environment and information communication in Division two, and transfer to China for the Chinese market development system, including product design, merchandise planning and software development. Sharp's industry structure in ChinaA single, flat panel TV sales accounted for more than 70%, including electronic devices, cell phones, business is on the low percentage of white goods. It is learnt that after Sharpe has offices in Wuxi sharp electronic and sharp technology companies. Sharp technology (Wuxi) Ltd is set to phone China trading center, after the newly established information and Communications Division, sharp also plans eBook, Fax machines, calculators, electronic dictionaries, netbooks, and other business transferred to the Chinese healthy after the establishment of the Department of environment, sharp Air Purifier air conditioner wash, ice, in the Japan market white electrical products to China, LCD TV will gradually decline. Appliance analyst Liang Zhenpeng pointed out that such adjustments is good for sharp, but "boat disaster u", adjust theEffects will not soon Act.

