2012年3月30日 星期五

diablo 3 gold 23rd at around 11 o'clock - MYZ

129773184575468750_243In front of the Sanya shanhaitian hotel, a baby rhesus monkey when foraging is killed by a taxi, then a taxi to leave the scene, but dozens of macaques in the mountains see little impact diablo 3 gold, the monkeys die down around it, do not let someone else close to the body and a half step, and also to attack the other taxis. Subsequently, the police "designed" little monkey's body away, next to the hotel. Monkey vassalII to protect animals, wilful bodily harm will face legal sanctions. Witnesses described, 23rd at around 11 o'clock, when a taxi heading to shanhaitian hotel diablo 3 power leveling, perhaps because road slippery on rainy days swtor credits, coupled with no brakes car taxi speed too fast, the hotel not far away, in front of a smaller monkeys killed, then a taxi to leave the scene."Dozens of macaques in the mountains see little monkeys were killed, have washed down from the mountains, around the small monkeys body. "Mr CHEUNG told reporters that around small monkeys body is adult monkeys, who want to get close to the body to be attacked. When the hotel staff would like to the front body, attacks, while monkeys find the same style of cab, jumping on the windscreen of the carFlapping. "Due to the containment of the monkey, and out of the hotel vehicles could not move on. "Witnesses said police then arrived on the scene, first used on both sides of the body of the car to two small monkeys, blocking the view of the other monkeys, then quickly took the little monkey's body. "When the police car when you drive off, rhesus monkey body not found small monkeys, also tried to chase away the small monkeysPolice car. �� () Others:

