2012年3月13日 星期二

world of tanks power leveling the policy that still has a lot of comes on stage - LKV

Everybody knows, estate development encountered a lot of problems now, house price rises, what reason causes house price rises after all, the analysis that is afraid we have a lot of did not reach the designated position, a lot of person end are changed for the city, to this year the end of the year, chinese city is changed rate had exceeded 50% , mean the population that has 670 million to enter a town, mean these urban population to buy the main force of the room namely wot power leveling, I think is not, I feel very much is ab extra population, the farmer is versed in, buy a house without ability mostly. Price of poor dissimilation facilitating house rises house price rises two respects need to notice, the first, income gap was caused greatly too buy housing to consume demand, money became much the place that when wanting to change a kind of service, is about to had been in buys a house, improve living condition. The 2nd be public service is rare be short of gender and poor dissimilation, in light of the development of Chinese city, good Yu Xiaocheng presses down the county world of tanks power leveling, ground level city is good at prefectural class city, this differentia did not cause us natural resources is scarce be short of a gender. If these two elements did not produce fundamental change, I think house price still can rise, the city with particularly public good service. Estate business is regional, making money is impossible, once see natural resources is scarce price of house of drive up of the meeting that be short of a gender world of tanks power leveling, but social public opinion decided the government is decision-making trend, social public opinion has a few sides probably, the person that can not afford a house for instance hopes the room is promoted sigh, local government ignored him behavior fault, they should pay attention to safeguard room construction, in wanting to solve at least low income person living problem, cause estate of whole society assail, so in the center of publish safeguard room policy. A wide place in the road but once apportion city pressure alleviated moment of public opinion pressure, price fixing policy can continue continuously, we should see the main factor that brings about house price to rise disappear. Was urban income gap changed? Without; Was income allocation difference changed? Also do not have; Fact name makes estate also was not solved; Was system of gold of land sell one's own things reformed? Also do not have; Was bank financing behavior solved? Also do not have; The person that does landed chamber of commerce change him beneficent? Also won't; Is the city changed inside let all farmers be versed in on commodity house? Of course also won't. Future is likely 2012 this policy can last. Resolve living demand of social common people, the policy that still has a lot of comes on stage, rise e.g. price of house of core the city zone, the suburb of big city periphery, in small town, a wide place in the road is OK apportion a batch of pressure, rural collective land is possessory, can you develop one part to ensure room and rental room? This remains our policy to want research and reconciliatory problem. Responsibility edits: NF045

