2012年3月13日 星期二

wot power leveling "bonus" - QVM

129756500978906250_1Report from media reports wot power leveling, members of the National Committee and the State Council according to the Board of supervisors senior supervisor, Vice Chairman Wang Yung-ching said yesterday in Beijing, single development for economic prosperity, but is not fully needed money "bonus". Yesterday wot power leveling, the Commission said, single at the present stage the main task is to improve the international competitiveness of enterprises, in addition to single profit totalAmount is not "dividends" paid by the base. Members say single people may not want to "share" there are media reports yesterday, Wang Yung-ching said, State-owned enterprise tax 2.9 trillion last year, about one-third per cent of total tax revenue. From out of State-owned enterprises profit directly to the people wot power leveling, "bonus", "is not a very realistic". But he also admitted that single capital gains most of them wereIn itself, really not much use to the development of the national economy. Worthy of note is that yesterday's budget report shows, 2011 central State-owned capital operating income of 76.502 billion yuan, expenditure of $ 76.954 billion, $ 4 billion of which call into public budgets for social security. "Only $ 4 billion" for social security are caused by too little socialDiscussions. Experts believe that the single turned over to the "dividend" the proportion remains low for a single "dividends" too little discussed, State-owned assets supervision yesterday explained that the so-called "dividend" of State-owned capital gains, according to the provisions of the Ministry of finance, now turned over to the State-owned enterprises in accordance with the four types of "dividend", where tobacco, oil and petrochemical, power, telecommunications, coal, and other characteristics of resource-monopoly industriesCompany, received the highest proportion, to 15% and policy-related companies, including the China grain reserves Corporation, China National cotton reserves Corporation, exempt from State-owned capital gains. ����SASAC said that "dividend" is not a single total profit, but rather vested in the owner of the parent company's net profit before the deduction does not make up for the loss of the balance of the year. Vice President of the Chinese society of labor and salarySpecial Commission Chairman Su Hainan said, although State-owned enterprises in China last year raised its after-tax profit to capital gains accounted for enterprise grade 5%, but has resources such as petrochemical industry, tobacco monopoly characteristics of enterprises to collect "dividends" also only 15%. Now turned over to the State-owned enterprises "dividend" percentage is too low, should be significantly improved.

