2012年3月23日 星期五

diablo 3 gold real estate sales outside of the two parties what to do with - IVR

129617017691250000_282To a "battle for the House" has quietly begun. Mr HO has just got married in their vicinity, the son of the purchase of a second-hand House. The premises are clearly to be a son of personal property, the advisers recommended that, where husband and wife had signed a statement stating funded by the married couple full House for his son, then statement together with the remittance receipt to the notary legalization of the purchase. Mr make this decision is the new Supreme Court interpretation promulgated the law on marriage (iii). Completing the above proceduresHou, Mr he purchased the premises can be clearly identified as his son personal property and non-Community property. Premarital property of notarization to avoid unnecessary disputes new explanations after the introduction of the Marriage Act, is about to talk about the wedding on the married young, in terms of buying, and how decisions to avoid disputes that might arise in the future? Chen Wanling said: first of all, both parties should fully understand one another's property with the views and attitudes, if a property was purchased jointly by the parties or both parents,Suggested the title deed is also registered in both name and contribution of involved parents, it is recommended that you can save the related documents and notarial formalities, so as to avoid unnecessary disputes in the future. Have long engaged in foreign trade and economic cooperation Chen Wanling told reporters that in the West, premarital property notary common and rarely raises conflicts between husband and wife, because most of them believe that marriage emotionally and individually-owned wealth are two different things, do not feel that the Division of property will hurt feelings. After the divorce real estateDisposal of �� Liu in a one-time payment manner before marriage have purchased a House, after marriage and wife living in the House. In 2008, Mr and Mrs LAU to the Notary Office for a gift of the housing contract notarized, agreed in the contract, Mr LAU will be half of the housing property rights gift to his wife owned, but both sides did not to the housing management Department handling the property right registration. According to article sixth of the new judicial interpretation to the marriage law, Mr Liu now has the right to rescind the contract of gift. However, Tian Jie lawyersFirm Director Zhang Liang law alert, if Mr Liu and his wife had signed a housing gift contract is conditional, and his wife has fulfilled the conditions, the General Liu cannot unilaterally revoke the gift contract. Case 1: how to split property when divorced? Mr Wu and Ms LAU is the people in the eyes of successful people, but now their marriage came to an end, symbols of past successful �C several sets of property became tangled heart with a large stone between the two sides. In order to free from worry and labor, Mr Wu, Ms LAUDelegate has guarantees qualification of listed company "insurance to financial" provides a station type service: by baolai financial together with its professional lawyers, and assessment Division carding both equity, and property, and debt and demands, assessment related assets value and developed assets segmentation disposal programme, in insurance to financial center stationed in points of Notary Office service points signed has divorce agreement under, and delegate agreement under, file, thus avoid has both of suspicions, and embarrassing and future handling property rights transfer, and bank foreclosure lease, Criss-of bitter. Which, as a set of conventions of belongingLiu Lady name of couples total property at this time also is not made ownership and and in Bank mortgage, provisional cannot handling changed its name transfer procedures, both signed has related file conventions, by baolai financial provides performing guarantees and Agent service, in the property may handling ownership and Hou, by baolai financial for Liu Lady provides Bank mortgage and ownership and of transfer go name procedures, and can makes she in does not required financing funds ahead of reimbursement Bank loan of premise Xia, merged handling foreclosure lease, and coated pin, and changed its name transfer procedures. 2 divorce, hasHouse how the name was changed to complete loan? Mortgages, how changed its name? Master Chen Wanling baolai finance senior financial management recommendations: first, the couple must be expressly agreed upon in a divorce settlement of ownership of the property, and then a notary upon divorce and divorce certificate can directly apply for housing changed its name. However, if the housing is still in a mortgage, you must first obtain the Bank closed loans proved. Under normal circumstances, unless the parties have sufficient funds immediately to settle loans, banks generally do notBe issued by the settling of a loan of proof. At this time, the parties can guarantee financing of the guarantee issued by the Bank first to the settlement of lending proof, and at the same time for housing mortgage coated pin clearance formalities and changed its name, and finally the remaining loan amount and banks for mortgage formalities and the property right registration procedures. Scenario 3: common ' repayment of property after a divorce married what? One of the spouses before marriage to personal property payments down-payment and bank loans, repayment marital property after marriage, real estateDown payment paid name registered, how do we dispose of property after divorce? Zhang Liang, said before the new judicial interpretation tera power leveling, General to housing ownership and is made to determine the Housing Authority before marriage is personal property or joint property according to. New judicial interpretation after the introduction, the immovable property at the time of divorce by mutual agreement, if the parties cannot agree on a house belonging, the judgment of the Court the housing registration of property rights for all, but registration must be made to the other party compensation, compensation calculated on the basis of marriage during the two-Share home values and the corresponding value-added part of the loan. Scenario 4: real estate sales outside of the two parties what to do with? Mr Wang and money are undergoing divorce, after their marriage in the name of both parties in Macau bought a House, is now a consensus between the two sides will miss all the dwelling. According to the law in China and other countries, on a location of real property disposal of immovable property regulations implementation. Chen Wanling suggested that Miss Wang with Mr Qian in person to the Macao housing management DepartmentRelated to the procedures of alteration; or in Guangzhou, and money to go through a report on the notarization property Division of the divorce settlement, and then on its own with the notarial to Macao housing management sector going through relevant procedures of alteration. "Of course, legislation is different in different countries or areas, to see real estate location concrete analysis of specific issues. "Divorce rise network one minute calculator calculate cost of divorce lawyers think" just one game "1. you gamble or home violence, third party fault? 2.Home values? 3. the home and other valuables worth? 4. number of children? 5. the current salary? ���� Above topics may not market research firm personal information questionnaire diablo 3 gold, but wholly an online service software is popular network right now--"I divorce calculators". As long as the fill in the answers to 10 questions, the system automatically jiajia reduction reduction, could figure out seemingly complex within one minute of "divorce costs". Believe it or not, anyway this calculatorLegitimate red. Internet searches, reporter found a Chinese "I divorce calculators". After the login page, wrote a short usage instructions at the top, claiming that launched divorce calculator is intended to help those facing marriage broken, divorce plan estimated costs, inventory debt. Calculators are generally set up 10 questions involving housing value, monthly salary, several lawyers, had several children, and other aspects, testing according to own actual situation to answer, you can roughly estimate theWho can benefit from divorce, also will provide a total distribution of property, the spouse and child support and other solutions to financial problems. Journalists to not gambling, the premise of domestic violence, such as third party fault, filled with a set of 3 million Yuan on housing, home with $ 150,000 worth of valuables, have 1 child, the current monthly income is $ 8,000, prepared to spend 10 days rental cost $ 15,000 a year after the divorce, divorce, 1 lawyer, divorce does not hire nannies, a month after the divorce of parents1000 alimony, and other information. Results display: to undertake housing assessment fee of $ 30,000, valuables assessment fee of $ 1500, alimony of $ 160 per month, loss of working time fee of $ 2,667. This means that the divorce must pay a cost for $ 34,327. In fact, all versions of the "divorce calculators" though, but the content is basically more or less, because the "prototype" are from the United Kingdom version of the consumer financial education body launched. By contrast, the English originalVersion of "I divorce Calculator" is all the more complex and required entry more personal information, include wages, income data, such as bank deposits, and expenditure information such as mortgages, children's pocket money. As a designer, Cambridge digital marketing company responsible person said: "in complex legal procedures to resolve financial issues of divorce is very challenging, this calculator can provide the necessary help and support in many ways. "Compared to the frequent access to the law firm and dive inA whole bunch of legal documents diablo 3 gold, "I divorce Calculator" to try to facilitate those ready to divorce the husband and wife, to help them reduce the cost of divorced couples hire a lawyer. However, when the "divorce" encounter "Calculator", or is subjected to a lot of questions and criticism. In the eyes of some of the legal profession, such a "Calculator" is a popular entertainment "games". You know, to borrow from the United Kingdom model of "divorce calculators" is not only impossible to assess the correct cost of divorce, or even likely to mislead users�� Others:

