2012年3月30日 星期五

tera power leveling Bo's collection has been removed from the original 650 - GGU

129756711429375000_439After more than three years of construction, a year of trial operation, State Museum officially opened in March 1, 2012, to avoid audience ticket queue, National Museum also offers a telephone, Internet, SMS reservation service. 4 ways you can get the audience votes. Collections upgrade upgrade now the Treasury, Bo's collection has been removed from the original 650,000, grow to about 120. Redeployment of State administration of cultural heritage of which about 400,000 pieces of ancient art collection. After the completion of the new National Museum, Bo has 30,000 square meters of Treasury of heritage, heritage storage conditions and security facilities are now at first-class level. It has been learned that Bo boost heritage of cultural relics of the Treasury of the new conditions, such as temperature and humidity control, dust-proof, anti-mildew dust has greatly improved。 Accompanied by the use of the new diablo 3 gold, Bo classification of cultural relics is also changed. Reformed heritage level-classified, classified by texture, thus taking into account the different requirements of different cultural relics for conditions such as temperature and humidity. At the same time, Kunihiro heritage storehouse of technical security devices are upgraded. Extraction of cultural relics from the Treasury, except to go through a series of rigorous examination and approval, aTo guarantee cultural relics of staff not less than 3 persons, while in the Treasury, also include fingerprints, Iris and other technical means to verify the identity entrants. "Enter the Treasury of heritage, far more strict than into the bank vault. "Social studies said Huang Chen, Director of the propaganda Department of Bo. Mobile phone navigation without Dr as new country fair use, Bo visit the guided tour goes onThe digital age. While retaining the traditional audio tour, dedicated to explain the navigation and outside volunteers explain, Kunihiro also cooperated with 3 operators to provide mobile phone navigation services. Visitors can not only enjoy the self guided tour, you can also click to play audio and video, even if not to the site, or through a custom service inspection of exhibition information. At present, Kunihiro was first carried out in ChinaGuided tour of the Museum. Historical art exhibition since the commissioning of the new Chen and Bo, had been held over more than 50 displays and exhibits, forming a style of both history and art exhibitions. 2011 exhibition, both basic display "ancient China", "road to recovery"; also has special display "collection modern classics works of art", "art of ancient bronze," "ancient BuddhaStatues and art ". A number of years in the future, Bo prepared and the United Kingdom, and Italy, and France and the United States, and Russia and other famous Museum exhibition organized in cooperation of the country. Kunihiro also has a Hall, a local Museum of collections on display each year. 2012 in Tibetan history exhibition will also be introduced. Lv Zhangshen Kunihiro curator says Bo program two-thirds showroom for basic display andThematic exhibition and international exhibition, one-third Gallery host temporary exhibitions. Gameplay tips mobile "instructors" visitors in the great Hall front desk to rent mobile phones, or in blog navigation client installed on his mobile phone tera power leveling, mobile phones will become "e-instructors". Mobile Navigator can be used as a visitor Terminal, held talks with the Beaunee interactions, achieve zero visitors and expertsDistance communication. Mobile phone navigation features include: on-demand navigation, venue maps, route recommendations, ticket service. Rental fees: $ 40 download client fees: $ 30 ticket diablo 3 gold, ticket audience on opening day (Tuesday to Sunday) from Simon ticketing office with valid documentation (identity cards, passports, military card, soldier syndrome, syndrome of primary and middle school students) receive on that dayFree admission tickets. Two audiences, group booking groups (20 or more) telephone appointment in advance free tickets in the 7th and on carry a letter of introduction to the tour ticket Centre after the ticket from the North Gate to visit the North Gate, group visits the daily limit of 5,000 passengers. Reservation hotline: 010-65116400 (9:00-16:00) three, online reservation1, online booking for free tickets to registered users, registered under real names, be sure to provide a real and effective information; 2, after login, sections after the date of booking national museums free admission coupons and 1 day; 3, completed after the reservation, reservation code and your identity will be displayed by page, and at the same time sent to the email provided at registration. 4, to apply for free ticketsType: visit 9:00-15:30 on the same day, the North Gate ticket Center, to rely on the reservation code and valid ID card replacement exercise is provided at registration tickets. Consulting telephone: 010-65116188 (9:00-16:00), SMS reservation 1, four personal appointment by SMS within 7 days from the next day of national museums free admissionCoupons. 2, mobile, Unicom, Telecom user can edit message "y 4 digit date of visit (2 months, 2-digit dates)", send to 10,660,208. For example, an appointment May 1 visit, edit "Y0501" sent to the 10,660,208 (carriers charge $ 1 fee). Customer service: 010-88551735 or 4006509601. 3, upon completion of the booking, will receive a reservation code (date of appointment). 4, visit 9:00-15:30 on that day, at the National Museum of North Gate ticket Center to receive free tickets. While coding, make an appointment with an appointment phone number and valid ID card to receive. 5, each reservation codes can only be eligible for a free admission tickets. 6, eachMobile number can only reserve up to 3 free tickets on the same day. (Editors: Xie Tian) Others:

