2012年3月9日 星期五

wot power leveling bukong off-balance sheet business risk - HRP

129742938748437500_3Recently, the Party Committee Central Group of China Banking Regulatory Commission will thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the national financial work Conference held in collective learning, Party Secretary, Shang Fulin, Chairman of the CBRC. Shang Fulin, stressed, to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the national financial work Conference, analysis of the current economic and financial situation, further enhance their understanding of banking regulatory complexity, and arduousness of the work this yearProspective grasp and work. Shang Fulin wot power leveling, pointed out that the financial crisis is far from over, has entered a new phase of more complex, to conscientiously strengthen and improve their economic and financial situation and development trend of domestic and foreign study, closely tracking the policy trends of the national response to the crisis and to promote regulatory reform and actively draw on the latest international financial regulatory reforms, steadily promotingBank of China (601,988) implementation of a new international regulatory standards. Is the urgent task of preventing systemic financial risk, is also a major global banking development problems. To effectively strengthen and improve on the complex situation of systemic financial risk prevention culture, in accordance with this regulation work to deploy, attaches great importance to the potential credit risks and liquidity risks, in particularIs in conjunction with the relevant departments and local governments, steady solve local government financing loan risk, sustainable prevention and control of real estate loan risk, continued to keep the pressure-proof, bukong off-balance sheet business risk, strengthening information technology risk, keep no risks of a systemic, culture, financial bottom line. Banking to real economy-oriented, service economy, promoting the real economyDevelopment as their own sacred mission and responsibility. ����Regulation activities of develop irregular operations, from various measures to make sure credit really flows to real economy, alleviating financing the real economy, financing your problem, promote coexistence and common prosperity of the banks and the real economy. Shang Fulin, stress, strengthen the Party Committee Central Group is the central theoretical study on the construction of party committees themselves important toTo find, is also the party committees to enhance the ideological and theoretical building, important ways of scientific and democratic decision-making and effective system. Banking Regulatory Commission in accordance with the requirements of the central authorities, conscientiously strengthen the leading bodies and leading cadres of learning systems, has a central group in promoting the construction of learning-type organization in a leading and exemplary role. To insist on learning to learn, and brainstorming Party Committee Central Group as a partyImportant platform of the broad benefits, pay attention to events on the event, regularly organize learning center group theory, combined with the tasks of development studies seminar topic. ����To boot the system with combination of party committees pay more attention to the study of theory and research wot power leveling, around the hot and difficult problems in the work, carry out investigations and studies, and make policy recommendations. The learning invited the Vice President of the Chinese Academy of social sciencesYang Li, Xie ping, Deputy General Manager of investment companies in China to give special guidance. Yang Li period combined with strategy development, long-term trend analysis on China's economy, starting from savings/investment, on financial services entities and economic issues and macro-prudential policy system, recommendations relating to the financial reform of interest rate marketization tasks. Xie ping fully described in the theory of financial regulation and reformNew dynamic leather, especially for micro-prudential regulation, macro-prudential supervision, financial markets and regulation, consumer financial protection, and other issues for a detailed explanation. ����Participating comrades also on the current economic and financial hot spots and difficult problems in heated discussion. Members of the Party Committee of China Banking Regulatory Commission took part in the central group. Chairman of the Board of supervisors of key State-owned banking financial institutions, the CBRCHeads of departments and direct management of the Party Committee of China Banking Regulatory Commission attended the study, head of major financial institutions. (CBRC) Shang Fulin: steadily promoting the Bank implemented new regulatory standards of China Banking Regulatory Commission February 20 issued a press release saying, China Banking Regulatory Commission Chairman Shang Fulin said recently in an internal meeting world of tanks power leveling, to steadily advance in China's banking sector to implement a new international regulatory standards, Effectively strengthening and improving on the complex situation of systemic financial risk prevention culture. ����Shang Fulin noted that is the urgent task of preventing systemic financial risk, according to the supervision work Conference this year deployed, attaches great importance to the potential credit risks and liquidity risks. Shang Fulin, stress, especially in conjunction with the relevant departments and local governments, steady solve local governmentFinancing loans risk, sustainable prevention and control of real estate loan risk, continued to keep the pressure-proof, bukong off-balance sheet business risk, strengthening information technology risk, keep no risks of a systemic, culture, financial bottom line. He also offered to closely track the policy trends of the national response to the crisis and to promote regulatory reform and actively draw on the international financial regulatory reform newResults, and steadily promoted in China's banking sector to implement a new international regulatory standards.

