2012年3月13日 星期二

wot power leveling products or services - VNJ

129742939267656250_165Education articles published today in Shanghai Stock Exchange investors, many small and medium-sized investors to purchase shares, not because they want to understand and study on purchase of new shares, but because of the new shares does not lose, check the make money, some investors also has a deep complex of new shares, new shares can't help buy and sell. New thinking like, belong to typical blindly follow, blindFried new accounts. Series of columns published in the media in recent days shows that small and medium investors blindly "fried new" results in many cases of a loss. With the continuous development of China's capital markets for more than 20 years and increasingly complex trading, investors traded shares, both by some basic factors, such as your own income, proficiency in related industries, master information so much easier and so onAlso need to build on the investment philosophy and approach to investing. Overall, investment new stock sufficient homework to do before, avoid blind. So, how to determine the investment value of the new shares, to avoid blindly buying new shares, while real investment value found in the shares of investment opportunities? Is the most important lesson you want to purchase the new shares should be an overall understanding of theInvestors can choose from government departments, stock exchanges, issuers, intermediaries and several aspects of the media get the information you want to know about new listings, such as the current securities and quasi-IPO prospectus has been advanced from prior to the disclosure of the first instance, from disclosure to the purchase of new shares today there are quite a lot of time, enough to make investors even more of their time on the enterpriseBasic understanding of industry and research. Meanwhile, the media also tend to start from prospectus disclosure, to track related business reports, which makes the outside investors can obtain a prospectus for more information. Prospectus of basic situation of enterprises, financial indicators, corporate governance, executive team, and various other side in front of investors, investors on a study to beMunicipal enterprises of the most important ways. Specifically, investors should be on company, competitive advantage and position in the prospectus, and more detailed browsing, to company-owned industry, industry and production of the company's own operating conditions to make an objective evaluation, that is, to understand the company's industry, industrial chains, such as competition, trade barriers, industry. WhileAnd should a detailed analysis of the financial position of the company, in particular relating to the company's profitability and financial key indicators of risk comparison between longitudinal and transverse, such as main business income for 3 years, among the main business profit and net profit growth, gross margin level of product, and ageing of receivables, related transaction amount. Investor company fundamentalsConclusions of the judgement and more objective and accurate, which provides the Foundation for further study of internal investment value of listed shares a solid base perpendicular investors blindly purchase new shares, another important lesson is to review the company's future in the development process could face potential risks, which can be based on the analysis of risk factors for in the prospectus, effectively eliminating the impact the companyAfter the operation and future development of production uncertainty, on the investment value of the new shares and make a reasonable assessment of the risk coefficient. Generally speaking, the company's risk factors generally include the following categories: first, the market prospects for products or services, changes in the operating environment of the industry, the business cycle or life cycle of products, or market segmentation, market saturation, taste, relying too much on a single marketRate of decline. Second, the business model changes, instability of management performance wot power leveling, major or major fluctuations in raw materials prices, relying too much on a certain raw materials, products or services, concentration or dispersion of business place third, caused by the lack of effectiveness of internal control risks, liquidity risks caused by weak asset turnover, poor cash flow or debt structureReasonable repayment risk, mainly as a result of insufficient assets for impairment provision for risks, the main non-recurring profit and loss of asset value volatility risk, or consolidated financial statements other than investment income of larger amounts cause volatility in net profit, great warranty, or the risk of litigation, arbitration or something such as a result of the risk; IV, technology is not mature, technology has not been lack of industrialization, technologyEffective protection or the protection of short duration or core techniques rely on others, lack of core technology, product or technology are eliminated; v, prospects for investment projects in the market world of tanks power leveling, technology, industry policy, environmental protection, land use, financing, and other problems in the areas of cooperation, business size, business expanding or managing risk as a result of business transformation, business transferRisk, profit decline due to a substantial increase in fixed assets depreciation risks, and product sales of risk due to capacity expansion; VI, due to financial, banking, taxation, land use, industrial policy, trade management wot power leveling, environmental protection and other aspects of risks caused by changes in laws, regulations, and policies; VII, may seriously affect the continued operation of other factors, such asSo hazard, safety, foreign trade, exchange rate changes, environment and so on. In addition, investors can also raise money from investment, competition and related transactions, directors, supervisors, and senior managers of the basic information and relationships, management discussion and analysis to determine the investment value of the new shares. Issuing system reform currently under discussion, an important aspect is to strengthenAssume good faith reporting of issuers and intermediaries and statutory obligation to disclose information, the implementation of audit system of information disclosure. Only if the investor in a professional and responsible attitude toward the new shares, are not blind, not swallowed when, to audit and issue of new shares in system really often in China's capital city (zhongxinwang) online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content,Not that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

