2012年3月20日 星期二

tera gold as its name suggests - EGK

129756501052187500_182It must be said, trust is a "Star factory", continue to make all kinds of "stars". In 2012 diablo 3 gold, traditional products such as real estate investment trusts Bills ever-was halted by regulators in the context of the trust, an innovative product came into being beginning to attract people's attention. It is the jewel of the trust, this new variety of alternative investments areGetting into everyone's sight. So-called jewelry trust, as its name suggests, is the trust company will raise funds to invest in gold and silver, jade, and other high-end jewellery sector trust products. In recent years, with the price of gold and silver jade rose and high profits for many investors in the jewelry industry. According to statistics, in 2000, Emerald with an average annual increase of about 18% Last year rose more than 30%. High-grade Jadeite gains even greater, and some have even turned over several times. Gold and silver jewelry industry sales for 2008 increased by 38.6.9F% tera gold,2011 years is more than 50%. ����Therefore, jewelry industry, "Biotech pot of" not is not attractive. However diablo 3 gold, due toVarious objective factors, ordinary investors into the jewelry trade barriers remain high. Mainly: investors do not have the relevant expertise jewelry buy-back mechanism does not sound, trust and jewelry is undoubtedly very well to make up for this gap in the market. Some trust with the current increasingly popular jewelry market, introduction of trust products, through the sharing of industry growth dividend to getHigh return on investment. For example, a recent Warburg trust issued a "unadorned beauty 2nd trust scheme" jewel of trust product, the Trustees in trust funds by yuzhangtiejun jewellery group limited liability company which is the subject of the right to income from assets, expires 365 days, Zhang Tiejun jewels group right at the agreed price, buy "capital gains".The investment threshold to $ 1 million, investments for a period of 18 months, the expected annualised yields of up to 10.5%, with a very significant investment value. In this regard, China profit wealth management Institute noted that, as the trust industry "forces nouvelles", jewelry has a certain value of investments of the trust, particularly in other macrocyclic tradition suppressed by the policy of trust productsUnder borders, jewels of trust is one of the few products with good investment value for money. In addition, due to the trust company just entering the field, wind control in products and companies is also relatively strict qualification checks. ����Thus, to a certain extent, there is no doubt reduces the risk of product, so as to ensure that the expected benefits of the product. However, no question about that, any investment that saveA certain risk. Jewelry trust risks mainly from sales of market price fluctuations in the product evaluation agency level of professional standards and gems valuation and identification of standards is not uniform, and so on. To a certain extent, these factors will affect the final liquidation of the assets available, afterwards involved in benefit to the final product. This probability is not high, but investors in selecting jewelry letterThanks to product or do you want to keep the salt and carefully read the product related details of the investment to ensure that their investments to get a real "value for money". Jewelry trust came, came so "hurriedly", once again ignite passions of the trust industry. As a new Member of the family of the trust, it is just a shooting star, is a star, and we look forward to. (China LeeWealth Management Institute special researcher-Jiang Chen)

