2012年3月23日 星期五

diablo 3 gold Recently - UJY

129731453495479227_52Recently, Kumho tires a message to employees pay substantially has aroused concern in the industry. Repeatedly recalled last year, stoppage of "toss" Kumho tires, has finally been "enlightened".  In order to stabilize diablo 3 gold, pay has been lower than the industry average of Kumho tire to employee salary increases last year 29%, and tours to send staff back home the Chinese new year. "Resisting foreign aggression must first",Some experts said, Kumho tire seems to have started working on art. However, his "peace inside" Act be effective?  And even if "on", and Kumho tires and smooth "resisting foreign aggression"? Let us look at Kumho tire several times last year, "ups": CCTV's "3·15" show Kumho tires were exposes a lot of waste to the rubber, Kumho tire and CCTV after severalTimes "debate" Hou, eventually announced recall violations products; but soon zhihou, Kam Lake tire "confession", its China Chairman Li Hanxie said, recall of tire and due to detection and replaced of tire quality are no flaws, Kam Lake tire is "in products quality no problem of situation Xia for has once recall"; recall storm is not flat, and appears staff due to wage low and suspension event; thisHou, owner of Highway tire in a car crash, "confession" thousands of consumer rights sth  It can be said that last year "3·15" started, Kumho tire silent when it was. Step into the 2012, Kumho tire business continues, natural to try to restore the situation. Analysts said while they are mired in recall, Kumho tire quality problems in a majorDue to that employee dissatisfaction with treatment, not serious and result in low product quality.  Thus, Kumho tires give the employee a raise salaries this year. Of course such a raise in the first place is worthy of recognition, employees are the guarantee of the fundamental. However, do pay increases will be able to improve the quality of products alone? "Peace inside" and "resisting foreign aggression" yet?  Of course not. If the employee moodCan directly affect product quality, that such products can only be used by enterprises and its "terrible" to describe it.  We know that the products are of high quality in the production diablo 3 gold, research and development, enterprise management diablo 3 gold, and various other systems in collaboration with the birth of, the links are indispensable. Only appease the staff, other missing system is inadequate and cannot guarantee the quality of products. What's more, several "confession"And is not a sincere attitude, has Kumho tires in the minds of consumers and notorious. So, wants to turn over, Kumho tires have to do a lot, and it should have in the first place, should be a sincere attitude and sense of responsibility.  Otherwise, don't talk about "resisting foreign aggression" is "in the" hard "on". Wang Wanli Others:

