2012年3月18日 星期日

tera power leveling for growing of public funds eating - RBC

129756711693906250_1080Tao Yang Ganzhou city, Jiangxi province, according to media reports, "three for public consumption" topic again in the country "two sessions" during heating up, "Earth people have stop price" of maotai liquor, but as the deputies about the focus. On March 4,, Member of the National Committee of the Chinese poverty relief and Development Association Executive Vice President Lin jialai? submitted to the Convention on the prohibition of the use of public funds spending of maotai liquorOf proposals, proposed a ban on public consumption of maotai liquor of 4 tips. As early as the 13th Shanghai people's Congress held in January this year at the fifth meeting, in Shanghai on the consumption of a number of Deputies proposed that public funds are not allowed to drink maotai. However, the proposed legislation to ban public money to drink maotai, can you really achieve the objective of public funds to ban drinking moutai? The answer is obvious: it's hard. BecauseFor, even the legislation banning public consumption of maotai liquor, but officials want to drink maotai is not difficult, can they be drinking moutai written wuliangye, I am afraid it is written does not prevent them to purchase Office supplies. Indeed, can also occur? "wine"--when Internet users from the Zhou Jiugeng "extreme Nanjing" after finding the clues of corruption, officials on the cigarette trade mark had stripped the "nakedSmoke ", then to drink maotai diablo 3 power leveling, trademarks can also be torn to do? Even introduced provisions, officials will follow, not public money to drink maotai, perhaps the biggest significance is only for maotai liquor prices, can reduce the "three for public consumption" is doubtful. Because officials didn't drink maotai, drinking wuliangye, changing eating abalone and bird's nest, so eat the sea to drink.I thought, for growing of public funds eating, is not by headache medical head, and feet pain medical feet of way by can solution of, but to from root start, primary of is by NPC representative supervision and legislative, promote "three public funding" full open, and to like "first a full nude Township"--Sichuan province bazhong city baimiaoxiang as, will each pen hospitality fee open. ItsTime, to improve civic oversight "three funds" of rights. Oversight of local Government to pass legislation promoting the media "three funds", citizens have the right to breach "three funds" report tera power leveling, even has the right to submit a case to the Court, protection of citizens "right to information diablo 3 gold, the right of supervision, right of participation in power and decision-making". Finally, to reduce the "three funds", but also to tap penalty, contrary toIncriminate rules public funds to eat and drink, similar "waste crimes" charges, such as, officials were free to eat and drink at public expense to pay penalty costs. (Editors: Zhang Renhe)

