2012年3月24日 星期六

tera gold need Howard hit us with a high level of performance - SNA

129765943198643750_75Neill suggesting that regret having left the magic: advised world of Warcraft left behind is my duty Yeah sporting March 18: as the NBA trading deadline past, Howard left Orlando, he has pledged will also stay in the magic in the future. It also attracted another famous Center of magic feeling before, he is o ' Neill. 78,799 o ' Neill acknowledges that he is still loyal to love and then gave up and left Orlando to pursue a HollywoodFame and fortune is a trace of the practice of pain. "I have been thinking about it," he admitted. So, maybe that is why he has been to promote the cause of Howard in the magic. Just like magic boss puts it, "you build up in a group of loyal forever will be borne in mind, but if you leave, you can't be the next city to be the sameThings. "He still stayed at his house in Orlando after the Lakers, he picked up the magic is still" us " tera power leveling," we ", but fans won't forget diablo 3 power leveling, although things have over 16 years, but some of the old magic fans is also a hatred to Neill. In Los Angeles tera gold, he has become a great player, he was such a status and get theFans in respect of, but not the kind of worship, not the kind regarded him as a member of Los Angeles as a whole that value. In Miami, he also won the overall championship, but more simply be regarded as a loan to help win the important players. Sarcastically said, he left Orlando's reason why Howard to stay for reasons. This is HowardWhat emotional reasons for cooling down to Los Angeles, he didn't want to continue duplicate o ' Neill in the road here. Although Howard now left out of the team that, but he himself also expressed doubts about this, he wanted to know why John Howard not simply direct and magic to renew? "I think this is a bit strange, he did not want to sign a long-term contract," he said"It told me I may have a bigger problem, whether it is the management of, or coaching group. I just can't understand why he wanted to leave the magic and the nets or other team. He has one of the best arena in the United States, Raymond Devos family is better, the entire Club is second to none. "He said he hopeHoward can be a great Center, skill, he advised him to stay in the magic, don't make the error he committed in the past. This just as Jabbar promoted himself to become a great Center. He said the great Center City "under the impetus of a" where is the great Center to realize their potential. "We (Magic) need Howard hit us with a high level of performance,To win the Championship, "he said. Others:

