2012年3月11日 星期日

wot power leveling micro-blogging - DUT

129729391867343750_104Report from (reporter Shao Huaqian) hold regular key moments of the second place at Palace examinations, external aid ' (micro-blogging) of Shougang basketball team once again Poseidon needle. Last night, the CBA (micro-blogging) League round of regular warfare, Beijing Shougang home to beat Tianjin steel 122:112, ended his rival's 3 consecutive victories and stability while continuing to take second place in the points standings."Believe in yourself, preparing difficult.  "Entered the Beijing team locker room after the game, tactical plate 8 min lulei wrote on a large very conspicuous, the Beijing team of difficulty obviously expected to play Tianjin. And Tianjin game last night, abnormal Beijing team played hard, whenever they score open wot power leveling, Tianjin teams always bring the score back to catch up with, was tensed nerves by Shougang basketball House has had to。 Tianjin foreign aid is the biggest weapon of Harvey, the audience match, he-27 win in 18 of 43 points, 20 rebounds in a large two double, line kept the Beijing team will not be at peace.  Fortunately, Marbury controlled the situation in Beijing. Last section remaining at the end of 3 minutes and 23 seconds, Beijing is only leading 111:108, Tianjin team attack, outsideAid Lamizana basket under Zhu Yanxi (micro-blogging) release, has been behind a large hat of Maurice strong and healthy fan, the ball into the hands of Marbury, older horses carry the ball fast break, causing Harvey fouls, 2 after penalties, the score becomes 113:108. Turn one ' s face Harvey won two minutes later, Marbury each other down, directly into the other restricted Layup succeededTianjin team once again give the ball to Harvey, this time under Zhu Yanxi defense, haweizhong investment failed, old horses, breaking the multiplication assists Zhu Yanxi score.  Attack 3 times in a row, old scores instantly widened to 117:110, under two minutes left in the game, The outcome is a foregone conclusion. House competitions, old horse to play 35 minutes, contributed 33, 9Rebounds and 8 assists, and had dominated the game at the end in the fourth section. "After the holiday break, you can clearly see the old horse much better physical conditions, Tianjin 3 points difference approaching to the fourth section, but the team did not panic, old horse is able to provide confidence in the team.  "Captain Lei Chen (micro-blogging) said. Xiao chuan was praised but not practical this season startsSince the Shougang basketball Center seems to have formed a practice every time when Beijing has the free throw opportunities, always sounded wot power leveling, "Zhai Xiaochuan (microblogging) world of tanks power leveling, cow! "He shouts.  Last night's game, this scene appears again and again. "When they called, I was quite nervous. "When referring to the fans after the game he commended, Zhai Xiaochuan some embarrassing, "When free throws, requires calm, sometimes fans a shout, I really very much pressure. ”

