2012年3月26日 星期一

diablo 3 gold synthetic pigment will cause cancer - CZD

129756711439218750_463Coca-Cola's response: 70 years in a row in the experiment of 2,900 to drink Coca Cola every day in order to achieve intakes of United States consumers group says Coke there is a high content of "4-methyl imidazole" diablo 3 gold, likely to pose a carcinogenic risk. The Coca-Cola company declared, which will not have an impact on the health of West China Hospital Cancer Center, Deputy Chief Physician Liu Jiyan: intake of trace no shadowRing for good health, many media reports yesterday, United States consumer health maintenance organization Center for Science in the public interest (CSPI) released a statement on Monday, Coca Cola and Pepsi in the production of soda there is a high content of "4-methyl imidazole", is likely to pose a carcinogenic risk to human. This message makes two big Cola into a "cancer". US consumer groups: twoCoke contains carcinogens CSPI said in a statement issued by the 5th, if "4-methyl imidazole" reaches a certain level of concentration, have the potential to cause damage to the nervous system of the human body, or lead to cancer. According to the laboratory testing, Pepsi-Cola contains from 145 to 153 mg 4-methylimidazole, Coca Cola contains 132 mg, several otherCoke products containing more than 100 mg of 4-methyl imidazole. According to United States State of California regulations for food safety, it is classified as a carcinogen, foods or beverages containing more than 29 µg per copy must include a warning of identity. At present, Coca Cola soft drinks market share in China is approximately 16.8%, Pepsi-Cola to 5.5% in the second.The Coca-Cola Company: product safety within the huaxi Metropolitan daily Reporter yesterday trying to link Coca Cola company in China, but the other party has no answer. However, Coca Cola official online said in a statement, European food safety Committee (EFSA) through rigorous scientific experiments proved that the "4-methyl imidazole" is safe, will not have an impact on public health。 "CSPI on the implications for the human health and cancer completely without merit". "4-methyl imidazole" does cause cancer, Coca-Cola said the substance is present in a large number of foods and beverages, "a person drink daily for 70 consecutive years of 2,900 to Coca-Cola's intake of rats in the experiment can be attained". According to the legal evening news reports, Coca ColaYesterday morning to the newspaper's response, "said CSPI is not responsible in a statement questioning the way we drink caramel used in security, and unwarranted provoke consumer fears of cancer. "Reporters attempted to contact Pepsi-Cola company and company in Chengdu in China, at press, they have not any response on this matter, Pepsi-Cola companyNot making any public statements. United States food and Drug Administration spokesman daogelasi·kalasi said yesterday, only when a person drink a day when more than 1000 cans of Coke, and CSPI is thrown to the alleged carcinogenic risk. United States soft drink Association also issued a statement yesterday, while California has 4-methyl imidazole to carcinogen list, but there is noAny studies have shown the substance to cause human suffering from cancer. Trace intake need not panic when you hear expert perspectives after high levels of carcinogens in the Coca-Cola, Chengdu people miss Dong: "I drink Coke every day, I don't know if I went to the hospital to do a check. "4-methyl imidazole can really cause cancer? Huaxi Metropolitan daily reporter Advisory WestSouth University School of food safety Professor Liu Wenzong. He said the substance belongs to synthetic pigments, typically, synthetic pigment will cause cancer, especially artificial production of beverages, "people focus on too much, at the expense of safety. "Deputy Chief Physician of the West China Hospital Cancer Center said Liu Jiyan in huaxi Metropolitan daily reporter, long term and excessive drinking deliciousAnd Pepsi can consider going to the hospital to do a check, while others do not have this need. He said, this trace of intake should be, no need to be too alarmed. Huaxi Metropolitan daily reporter elegant Hou Tingting Zhang further reading are indirect products exist in 4-methylimidazole in caramel agent is found in chemicals in the caramel agent, is not a manufacturer directAdded, but an indirect product of chemical synthesis. The color of caramel is mainly used to improve food, is also widely used in China, in addition to Coke, along with soy sauce, vinegar, soft drinks, beer, etc. Added who allows the food caramel with 4-methyl imidazole agent, but for a dose of 4-methyl imidazole are defined. Who providesFood 4-methylimidazole in medium-sized Coke applied to conserve, cannot exceed 200 mg per kg. And our rules are, ammoniation method 4-methylimidazole in caramel agent, should be less than 0.02%. According to the legal evening news (Editor: Lu Jiakun) Others:

