2012年4月9日 星期一

tera gold 129773903173437500_50 - ZML

129773903173437500_50Sewage treatment feast opening investment value of high-end equipment highlights MicrosoftInternetExplorer402DocumentNotSpecified7.8Normal02011, December 15, issued by the State Council of the State environmental protection "Twelve-Five" planning, "according to Twelve-Five," about $ 3.4 trillion projected total investment in environmental protection requirements,Meanwhile, with the energy-saving environmental protection industries are listed as "seven strategic industry" first, as an important component of domestic environmental industry sewage treatment industry will usher in a new development opportunity. ChinaVenture investment group in the analysis, in the context of global water scarcity and water pollution serious, sewage treatment is to achieve sustainable development of water resources, resolvingFundamental countermeasures to water in China. Compared with the industrial sewage treatment, sewage treatment engineering construction market are large and have a long-term, steady and subsequent operating income, so in the long term, or will be the focus of future development of domestic sewage treatment. Sewage treatment equipment, with the promotion of advanced wastewater treatment, as well as increased demand for existing wastewater treatment facility upgrade, highEnd sewage treatment equipment of PE investments worth highlighting. Sewage treatment industry feast opening raise explosive growth of water is an important material foundation for human survival and social development tera power leveling, is a finite and irreplaceable form of precious social resources and important guarantee for the achievement of sustainable economic and social development. Is a scarcity of water resources per capita country in China, although the 2010 water resources grossTo 3.0906 trillion cubic metres per capita water resources for 231 billion cubic metres per person, only for the one-fourth of the world's per capita level (see Figure 1). At the same time, with the acceleration of industrialization, urbanization and population continues to grow, sewage emissions continued to rise in China, sewage emissions of 61.7 billion tons in 2010. Huge sewage disposal not only destroyed the waterEnvironment, compounded by the shortage of water resources, and problem-solving through sewage treatment is the key to achieve the recycling of sewage. Figure 1 situation of water resources in China MicrosoftInternetExplorer402DocumentNotSpecified7.8Normal02011, December 15, issued by the State Council of the State environmental protection "Twelve-Five" planning, "according to Twelve-Five," about $ 3.4 trillion projected total investment in environmental protection requirements, and sewage treatment are important areas of investment in environmental protection industry as a whole. Therefore, in the context of global water scarcity and water pollution serious, sewage treatment industry is ushering in a better investmentFunding opportunities. As the industry continues to promote, sewage treatment industry in China has formed a relatively complete industrial chain. Including upstream sewage treatment equipment, pharmaceutical production, water supply and drainage pipe production, the middle reaches of the downstream of sewage treatment project construction and operation of sewage treatment services (see Figure 2). Sewage treatment industry focus on listed companies as shown in table 1. Figure 2 wastewater treatment lineTable 1 focused on the industry chain MicrosoftInternetExplorer402DocumentNotSpecified7.8Normal0 sewage treatment industry, the rapid development of listed companies has aroused the concern of the VC/PE capital, by ChinaVenture Investment CorpFinancial data CVSource statistics show that 47 sewage treatment industry in China has disclosed in 2008-2011 VC/PE financing case, raising us $ 852 million, the average single financing amounting to us $ 18.13 million. In 2011, VC/PE investment in sewage treatment industry surged significantly to reach $ 558 millionIn 2010, representing US $ 71.2 million surged nearly 7 times (see Figure 3, table 2). In March 2011, the CDH bid Singapore Suntec technology group, investment of US $ 258 million, is the largest case in water sector in recent years. In addition, the Singapore-listed Chinese water treatment and recycling solutions provider joint environmental technology limitedPE institutions concerned, August 2011, KKR to invest US $ 114 million to buy the issue of convertible bonds. Capital markets, according to the latest on March 22, the SFC announced initial public offering of stock report list displays, Bosch green, ring us, guozhen environmental protection, and the day the shares of membrane 4 wastewater treatment-related companies to be listed as a share, which3 companies with VC/PE backgrounds, Fortune venture investment in venture capital, CITIC built, on track for quit (see table 3). Figure 3 VC/PE-backed enterprises sewage treatment industry financing table 2 VC/PE-backed enterprises sewage treatment industry to raise the TOP10 table 3 a-shares be listed waste water treatmentList MicrosoftInternetExplorer402DocumentNotSpecified7.8Normal0 emission stability of industrial wastewater sewage treatment or reduction into development with the acceleration of industrialization, urbanization, and the population continues to grow, sewage emissions continue to risePotential. In 2010, the sewage disposal volume of 61.7 billion tons, of which 23.7 billion tons of industrial wastewater, 38 billion tons of sewage, sewage emissions accounted for 61.6% of the total discharge. 2000-2010, drop in industrial sewage emissions steady as a whole, but as the population grew, sewage emissions increasing (see Figure 4).MicrosoftInternetExplorer402DocumentNotSpecified7.8Normal0 at the same time, after many years of development, China's sewage treatment capacity increasing. By the end of 2010, cities and counties throughout the country into new Trojan 2,832 municipal wastewater treatment plantAnd China's urban sewage treatment capacity of 125 million tons/day, sewage treatment rate of 75%, but the 90% sewage treatment rate of gap with the developed countries (see Figure 5). Figure 4 figure 5 towns in China China's sewage wastewater treatment MicrosoftInternEtExplorer402DocumentNotSpecified7.8Normal0 sewage emissions continue to increase for domestic sewage treatment industry development. Compared with the industrial sewage treatment, sewage treatment engineering construction market are large and have a long-term, steady and subsequent operating income. Since the beginning of this year, Changsha, Chongqing, Guangzhou and other cities raising or planning to raise residents ' water price, water price hike looming, sewage charges as important components of the water also has a certain amount of room. By the end of 2010, residential sewage treatment, industrial production averaged 40% per cent of total supply price, in accordance with the development of water markets in developed countriesExperience, sewage charges are generally higher than the price of water, therefore, wastewater treatment fee in China also have a lot of room. Water pricing policies continue to improve sewage treatment industry will play a good role in promoting, to sum up, in the long run, or will be the focus of future development of domestic sewage treatment. Wastewater treatment investment opportunities to highlight the 2010 broad market space for high-end devices,3 trillion cubic metres of water resources in China, 61.7 billion cubic metres of sewage emissions, 602.2 billion cubic metres of water 10% (see Figure 6). If this cannot be 61.7 billion cubic metres of sewage treatment, and pollution 3 trillion cubic meters of water, so water cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, achieving 61.7 billion cubic metres of sewage recycling, is the waterResources for sustainable development, fundamental countermeasures to solve China's water problem. Figure 6 MicrosoftInternetExplorer402DocumentNotSpecified7.8Normal0 China's consumption of the State environmental protection "Twelve-Five" noted that the planning, 2015 added about 160,000 kilometers sewage pipe network in cities and towns throughout the country tera gold, today added sewage treatment capacity of 42 million tons, the basic realization of all counties and major towns with sewage treatment capacity, load factor above 80% sewage treatment facilities, municipal sewage treatment rate of 85%. Therefore, environmental pressure and driven by State policies, sewage treatment industry there is a vast cityField space. Although sewage treatment industry's future is bright, but in terms of policy, such as capital, as well as regional threshold is getting higher and higher. Policy, the sewage treatment industry controlled by national policy and local government more, such as wastewater treatment in the sewage charge fluctuation in the prices of a strong influence operational profitability of enterprises, capital, sewage treatment industry is fundedThis intensive industry, have very strong asset specificity and distinguishing characteristics of sunk costs. Sewage construction projects with a total investment higher cost recovery period longer; area, due to the high transport costs of sewage, with strong regional characteristics, so most of the waste water treatment projects are generally directly to local businesses, offsite or foreign investors is difficult to get related items. Therefore,Sewage treatment industry prospects at the same time there are certain barriers to entry, only enterprises with cost and technical benefits can continue to remain invincible in the tide of development of industry. Technology tera gold, sewage treatment equipment is the basis for ensuring water quality, is also key to sewage treatment industry chain as a whole. Currently the most widely used is the activated sludge of sewage treatment process andIts derivative technologies, but because of its high energy consumption, covering an area of effluent standards are not high, and many disadvantages, more advanced membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology has emerged. Membrane bioreactor (MBR) is the membrane technology of physical removal of impurities and conventional sewage treatment technology of biological decomposition of impurities, combining new State of waste-water treatment systems, compared with conventional activated sludge,High water quality, small size, small residual sludge and other significant advantages (see table 4). Therefore, as the promotion of advanced wastewater treatment, as well as the increased demands of upgrading of existing sewage treatment facilities, sewage treatment equipment in particular the investment value of MBR technology in high-end highlights. Table 4 MBR and technical characteristics of the three mainstream technology of sewage treatment MicrosofTInternetExplorer402DocumentNotSpecified7.8Normal0ChinaVenture investment group analysts believe that the global water shortages and water pollution serious context, sewage treatment is to achieve the sustainable development of water resources, China's water problem solving fundamental countermeasures�� Compared with the industrial sewage treatment, sewage treatment engineering construction market are large and have a long-term, steady and subsequent operating income, so in the long term, or will be the focus of future development of domestic sewage treatment. Sewage treatment equipment, with the promotion of advanced wastewater treatment, as well as increased demand for existing wastewater treatment facility upgrade, high-end sewage treatment equipment of PEHighlights of investment value. Others:

