2012年4月4日 星期三

tera power leveling she says - ARI

129777329817343750_204The Zhen 嬛 Chuck Palahniuk stream lianshui purple. Click to watch HD video the Zhen 嬛 morning news reported March 31, like many popular plays are 76 sets of Dragon TV broadcast of the Zhen 嬛 also from the Internet novel, the author stream lianshui purple book called Wu Xuelan was a generation y women, job is a high school language teacher. Director Zheng Xiaolong's invitation, sheInvolvement in Zhen 嬛 biography of the writer, original overhead historical novels to a Yong Zhengchao. Talk about adaptation: ruthless people talk when the creation of the Imperial harem · Zhen 嬛 mind, flow and lianshui said purple because of the golden bough to evil, "Although the plot I think it kind of etiquette are not strict enough on. 2006 winter vacation tera power leveling, I am bored at home, started to write a caseIn his palace, hoping to reconcile to the plot, and rituals and other aspects of history ". Choppy writing this novel took three years to finish. At the recommendation of his wife, Zheng Xiaolong found flow lianshui violet served as screenwriter, "script for 1.5 years, has modified a dozen versions". Original novels to be overhead of Zhou dynasty "landing", flow and lianshui clear purple bound most took on human natureThe DPRK, "adapting the most difficult is to learn how heartless start deleting many of the characters and plot in the original, have the feeling of heartache." Since 26th ' to slow the Zhen 嬛, characters in the play are not violent clashes occurred. In this regard, lianshui purple responded that the stream, the play is relieving tension, "many viewers felt after watching the ground BT still unfinished, also strongly hopes that theBefore it can be available in 90 set does not delete from it ". About himself: I love harem concubines was a junior girls how to write simple drawn each other? Calculating stream lianshui purple denies the reality that "writers are just block space tera gold, summary, summary, and draw on the experience of their predecessors, with imagination and lonely people who write". As to the true self, she says tera gold, and GeneralPeople no different from, "I am a friend was remembering, skin loves fashion, beauty and love online shopping General after the young girl, so a little bit of home". Flow lianshui purple woman beauty written by unhappy, in reality she is full of happiness, "I love story is simple, he is a mentor high my, my freshman year is in love with him, although there are twists in the Middle, but support each other all the wayGo to ". In March last year after the fixing of the Zhen 嬛, flow and lianshui purple long 8 years of love in Hangzhou and mentors for the wedding. She said, writing or writer is a hobby, does not affect their job well, "I am a very ordinary teachers at school, I was using before bedtime, weekends, holiday writing these sporadic time". Flow of lianshui purple works the harem· 懿 biography has been published, but she said she likes to be with students, "who is a teacher, and I'm proud". () Others:

