2012年4月17日 星期二

tera gold particularly when the market in the face of bad - FXT

129788654667031250_44Shocks sold in essential care phone free go to www.cnfol.com April 14, 2012, China Securities News view comments based by Lu Xiangdong shock city in strong bull markets, market trends during this period with the emergence of various messages and repeatedly changing, and therefore unit baseAfter investors bought before will be the norm. Overview of stuck in the Christian Democratic reactions after, is a passive waiting, eager to pray, another is to listen to the views of some experts, will cover funds cut. However, little investment experience of the Christian Democratic know that turbulence is in an intermediate state between Bull and bear markets the Middle, as soon as the end of shock, the market mayDEA may also break down, which also determines the former approach has the potential to make the initial small loss turned out to be great losses, the latter practice may expose you to takong embarrassment of the whole market. So, shock sold based feasibility evaluation, and then make a decision must be, first, to measure the Outlook may appear to fall. Many radical people have heardNo end of statementDocument how much important support level decreases, you affect how much of the net value of the Fund, and is based on calculation results determine whether there is any need to cut meat. September 16, 2010 huzongzhi closing point is 2602.47, below the key support level of 60-day moving average at 2,579, the difference between the two, however 1%, nature has no need at present for this operation�� Looking back at April 19, 2010 huzongzhi by 4.79% within one trading day, perforating, including 30-day moving average, 60-day moving average of all the short and medium term support level, the short and medium term averages all arranged in short, apparently fall is fully open, due to equity fund must be maintained at a minimum in accordance with contract positions, so your only option is to act decisively to sell�� Secondly, if after analysis, found that although the macroeconomic situation and prospects are still uncertain, but the Government in order to stimulate economic development, has the early tightening of monetary policy into a moderately loose, when the market in the face of bad, although it briefly fell, but had not dropped below pre-low, and overall market turnover rose steadily enlarged, falling relative shrinkageSmall, especially once those stocks led the market declined further in early fall tera gold, even starts to look like a sideways trend or even walk up, then it should be realized that such objective reasons of rising of a lot of support tera power leveling, and funky, just based on the subjective views of some experts to blindly cut meat, there is really no need; if after analysis found macroOutlook remains uncertain economic situation tera power leveling, lead to the main reason for this fall has not fundamentally changed, particularly when the market in the face of bad, collapse of the merchant, in the face of positive reactions when numbness, turnover rose necking, decrease of volume, you will undoubtedly prove to be halfway through the bear market rally naturally by air should be sold if found is whether from internal or externalPerspective of policy environments for analysis of the results shows that the current stage of the market is in a dilemma, so you don't have to bother, should have the patience to wait for the market at that time by side words to tell you about countermeasures to be taken. If you find yourself unable to settle down and to conduct this analysis, indicating that at this stage you are still rational enough, should design their own to pursueJoy has nothing to do with the securities investment activities. Others:

