2012年4月15日 星期日

tera gold 30 P.M. in Hong Kong at $ 1665.7 - BCO

129779332638750000_48New York Gold Futures (GCM2) recommended: in the vicinity of us $ 1667 sold, target price $ 1655, 1677 m gold on Tuesday to four and even stop loss price falls after 3rd, low rebound on Friday. New York June gold futures rose up to 17.8 m, closing at $ 1671.9 tera gold, up $ 17. Data show that global goldExchange Traded Fund (GoldETF) gold in last week's increase 220,200 ounces (or 0.29%), reversing the downward momentum on the previous week, but the increase is not very large, reflecting the inflow of gold sentiment was not strong. Gold prices rebounded on Friday tera power leveling, but China's purchasing managers ' index released this morning, mainland manufacturing rebound than the market expected, that is,To ease market concerns of an economic hard landing for China when, down the exchange value of the dollar, driving the price of gold rose to us $ 1676.3, but soon began to turn down. June gold futures in New York 4:30 P.M. in Hong Kong at $ 1665.7, down 6.2 m. Gold prices in the past two weeks fell to $ 1650 near the beginning to see support is expected in the short term $ 1650 to 167$ 0 interval fluctuations, it is recommended that us $ 1667 near sell out, target price $ 1655, stop-loss price $ 1677. New York oil (CLK2) recommendation: buy Bo rebounded $ 102.5, target price US $ 103.5, MACD 102 dollars Friday on stop-loss price most of the time on a narrow range between $ 103 to 103.5Downs, United States Middle led once the euro exchange rate is rising rapidly, rising to more than $ 104, but gains no longer followed. May issue of New York oil closed $ 103.02, up $ 0.24. May issue about 4:45 P.M. oil in our time, New York at $ 102.57, fell 0.45 m. Oil prices fell on Thursday put on $ 103, technical formSlip. However, as Friday says, even vulnerable, then still in a negative light as the main policy, did not rule out a technical rebound, we recommend that you buy Bo rebounded $ 102.5, target price US $ 103.5, MACD 102 dollar stop-loss. Copper futures in London (LCA3M) recommended: $ 8,500 sold target: $ 8,450 stop loss: 8,525 Friday, eurozone finance ministers meeting to enhance "firewall" reached a consensus agreed with the firewall the size increased to euro 800 billion euros. Meanwhile, Spain has also published the first budget in the day, the country's Deputy Prime Minister, Spain this year by corporate taxes, freezing civil servants ' wages and savings in government expenditure totals27 billion euros. Messages bring boost to stock markets in Europe and America, copper rose 95 dollars on that day tera gold, at 8,445 dollars a tonne, an increase of 1.14%. Official March Manufacturing PMI index released yesterday for 53.1, came along to rose for the fourth consecutive month. However, reflecting the SMEs in Hongkong and PMI for five consecutive months of contraction, two backRelaxation serious data credibility was called into question. Near copper stocks recently fell to 250,000 tons starting to stabilize. As said earlier, the refined copper inventory remains high on, enterprise demand for refined copper in the lower mainland is still weak, "season does not want" is continuing. United States real estate market remains depressed. From the perspective of data in February, construction startsSince October 2008, but the March United States National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) real estate market index flat last month, ending pattern May even rise, and in February housing starts and home sales data are accidental fall of finished products, more than 2011 narrowed significantly over the same period, showing real estate market recovery progress remains slow. We believe that copper inventories are about to pick upThis downside risk to prices for copper. Copper after two-month rampage, now "symmetrical triangle" trend, after means imminent breakthrough. Before the price is a major breakthrough, we continue to recommend that investors in $ 8,300 to $ 8,600 fried volatility. China PMI data to stimulate, copper after opening this morning has risen to 8,525 beautyYuan, but after it failed to continue higher, visible data for copper boost is rather limited. Recommended that US $ 8,500 sold today, down $ 8,450, l $ 8,525 breaking stop-loss. Euro Futures (6EM2) recommended: 1.3351 selling objectives: 1.329 stop: 1.3385 trend: after Friday's meeting of EU Finance Ministers on the euroAfter rising steadily to 1.3382 high resistance. Preliminary support 1.3346 below. Fundamentals: EU Finance Ministers Summit in Europe on Friday, agreed to the European stabilisation mechanism (ESM) and the European financial stability facility (EFSF) merge, expand to 700 billion euros; plus Spain Government 2012 budget deficit cuts of more than 27 billion euros, The European debt crisis some of the uncertainty clear, led a strong euro. Our end of March euro-zone Manufacturing PMI published values of 47.7, same as the market expected, is unlikely to impact on the currency. Market attention was released March United States ISM Manufacturing PMI, and is expected to be higher per cent in February from 53. Because of last week'sPeople spending higher than expected, shows United States consumer market to improve, or will promote manufacturing as well. Technical: MACD Displays trend lacks direction and trend of euro against the US dollar to 1.3382 high tops, hard to break through, the market seems to be waiting for message fried low borrowing. And if investors look at United States Manufacturing PMI to be good, capture can be sold short the euro declines. Others:

