2012年4月10日 星期二

tera gold 5 dead are ethnic Chinese - KBX

129770966733593750_96Shooting the scene is blocked, police at the scene on duty. (,,) CNS March 24-integrated media report, United States houses of San Francisco gun in the 23rd morning local time, caused the deaths of 5 Asian. Police did not rule out the possibility of murderers had committed suicide after. Sources say, 5 dead are ethnic Chinese tera power leveling, houses mine-owner's last name, andAnd new immigrants from mainland China. However, the news has not been confirmed by police. In addition, murder shocked the entire San Francisco, Chinese mayors Li Mengxian says about this, this is a terrible tragedy. Neighbors of the victims on the sense of the law and order situation in the heart of the community concern and hoped that early detection by the police. Homicide in San Francisco homes are 5 deceased Asian United StatesOverseas Chinese daily news, according to the information released by the police showed that murder scene at Howth Street 16th. It is a two-storey house. Preliminary judging, all the injured person was locked in the House by one of their family members. SUR Police Commissioners pointed out that the taking was one of the first woman, she WILL be locked out of the House door, we were surprised to find a man in the front officeBeaten to death. Later, she and a man whose body was found in a garage and a female corpse. Terrified her, soon ran out of the alarm to the police, then time is 23rd at about 7:45. The police arrived on the scene, and two female corpse found in the House. That afternoon, this reporter went to the scene of the incident, police houses were still blocked, prohibiting pedestrians near. 5 deadBody has been shipped out. 2 police officers on duty at the scene, and another scene of several investigators in residential premises. Police confirmed to reporters, 5 dead were Asians, but when asked whether ethnic Chinese, said they had not yet finalized. Women police officers in charge of investigation Fukang (Lyn Tomioka), at least 4 bits is related to victims, 5th placeIs thought likely to be the victim's family members or acquaintances of the victim. She said all the victims were Asian. Forensic 5 bodies have been removed. Sources say, 5 dead are Chinese, mine owner last name tera gold, and new immigrants from mainland China. However, the news has not been confirmed by police. Chinese Mayor Li Mengxian: this is a terrible tragedy event in San FranciscoChinese Mayor Li Mengxian says, this is a terrible tragedy. He said in a statement: "the San Francisco Police Department to investigate the incident thoroughly. On behalf of San Francisco to the victims of this crime tera gold, and their family members and friends expressed their support and sympathy. "Fukang female police officers said at least 2 victims were shot, investigators are still trying to determine that heCauses of death. Police believe that this is a murder case, including suicide. There is no other family members are suspects in the case, no one is in custody. Police are currently being contacted all related family members and friends and relatives of the deceased in order to learn more about the case. However, police would not confirm whether the scene discovered the crime weapon. That afternoon,Fu Gang said at a press conference held in the vicinity, there is a quiet, safe and harmonious community. One neighbor next door to disclose, at 2 o'clock in the morning the same day, he heard a "bang" sound, and there's a shout: "flat". After the incident, police surrounded by Howth with orange Street and a two-storey house on the scene of a homicide case, blocked from the OceAn and the streets of Geneva. At the murder scene, a white car parked. SUR police chiefs believe that this was a separate homicide, pose a threat to surrounding communities will not. Homicide family surprised neighbors nervous about community policing to the offshore family murder shocked the San Francisco San Francisco, 5 people died in homicide, neighbors are tenSurprise. United States the overseas Chinese daily news that neighbor has lived in the area for a dozen years, when he get up in the morning at about 8 o'clock to see 8 to 10 police cars parked in neighbor's doorstep, is guarded by police officers on either side of the street only, not allowed to enter. The point, he is not very familiar with the State of the neighbor, he went out there and come home from work late every night, andAfter we go out direction is different from his Geneva Street, places the most to ocean area. Law and order in the area is calm, because adjacent to San Francisco State University, many students living in this area, in addition to frequent auto glass was broken, there has not been such domestic homicide. That said, due to the motive of the murder and crime suspects have not been identified, It is hard for him to judge the case, but on the law and order situation in the heart of the community sense of unease, hoped that early detection by the police, identified by family members, foreign persons to commit crimes. If outsiders, must strengthen measures to prevent the recurrence of similar tragedies. (Editors: Zhang Jun) Others:

