2012年4月6日 星期五

tera power leveling regional value potentialForce out of Tianjin development direction in which - A

129774133218750000_317Following the trend of urban development, is the largest real estate investment protection! Among the regional groups in Tianjin, Northern scenery beautiful, home buyers looking in the ring "to the North".  First House project Jing Rui ・ Sun City, the scarcity of low density residential space, to pin medals of the city, Northern value fully detonated! Outer ring "circle" location upgrades, regional value potentialForce out of Tianjin development direction in which? Northern became the focus, as Tianjin's "Twelve-Five" within the central planning area, the city "District VII" aura, is bound to become a key area of future development of Tianjin. At present, the outer ring "circle" has been implementing the project, Northern jump level, regional value out, with great investment potential! BeijingTotal Group is Howe throwing 10.9 billion investment to build new, for home buyers, while more secure, more confidence to the future development of the region. Map of Metro Line 3 line operation for the project tera gold, traffic upgrade and then plastic "Central living areas in the North," a rise necessarily dependent on an absolute center of the region, and as the Central living area, transport facilities will beLess! Northern dual subway running through Subway Line 8 line close to build, and trial operation of Line 3 line very smoothly this year to operate, when regional transport facilities upgrades, "North Central living area" more mature. Metro Line 3 line operation, was daily life more convenient by people living in the area, 20 minutes to all parts of the city, amidst the bustling, and this will lead North newExplosion in popularity, "North Central living area" more vibrant! Matching rings around the scarcity of House alcohol cooked for the project communities tera gold, scarce reproduction out of low density housing city more prosperous, low key living space more precious! Jing Rui ・ Sun Shang Cheng is the northern part of the first House project, alcohol cooked community doubled the scarcity value of 220 tera power leveling,000 gross weight, the community housed familiesMore than 1000 group living atmosphere great. Community landscape elegant, small courtyard, balcony, sloping roof, great House features 10,000 square meters-sinking of the central fountain square, combined with the stereo system, life sketches and well-placed sloping landscape, the reproduction out of low density housing, real estate investment more harvest. Photo project community real Jing Rui ・ raised Sun City CityAttention to pin Crown achievement Northern full-blown value: as a planning area within the Central and outer ring "circle" was officially launched, and dual subway runs through, Metro Line 3 line operation; more scarce House community, alcohol-mature living, real estate investment value. Others:

