2012年4月11日 星期三

tera power leveling outstanding treatment lazy questions and the executive authorities do not act -

129773810120625000_39 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/tera/">tera power leveling</a>"" Financial report "26th convened the Fifth Commission of the State Council work, the CPC Central Committee Politburo Standing Committee member and State Council Premier Wen Jiabao made a speech. He stressed that we must comprehensively implement the central policies and arrangements of the party style and honest Government and the struggle against corruption, deepening the reform and strengthening the system construction, promoting open Government, creating the conditions for supervision by the masses and politicalGovernment House.   The CPC Central Committee Politburo Standing Committee member and State Council Vice Premier Li keqiang, Hui Liangyu, Vice Premier of the State Council Wang Qishan and State Councilor Liu yandong, Liang Guanglie, Meng jianzhu, attended State Councilor, Ma Kai, presided over the meeting.   He Guoqiang, Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, the Central discipline Inspection Commission, he Yong, Secretary of the CPC was invited to attend the meeting. Wen Jiabao pointed out:For many years, we persist in comprehensively in all areas of work of combating corruption and building requirements, strengthening system building, administrating, and promote open administration, strengthening the building of political popularity tera power leveling, strengthen the supervision and administration of leading cadres honest and clear progress in the construction of government reform and anti-corruption. Ten years, total of 2,183 departments under the State Council to cancel the adjustment of administrative examination and approval items, originalTotal of 60.6%, administrative examination and approval of the local Government to cancel the adjustment accounts for more than half of all original. The State Council has issued the platform for implementation of comprehensively promoting administration according to law and the views of the Government on strengthening the rule of law, administrative regulations and rules, cannot be released according to the law, in addition, are open to the public for comments. The implementation of the Ordinance of Government information publicity now92 Central sector public sector budgets, 90 Central sector public sector accounts, 98 departments of the Central Government and municipal open "sangong" usage requirements. 2011 audit authorities released to the Community budget execution and financial revenue and expenditure audit results announcement more than 8,000 articles. Has investigated and handled a number of cases involving huge, bad influence, severely punishingTreatment of a group of corrupt elements. Wen Jiabao stressed that the current construction of anti-corruption and the people's expectation is still a big gap between corruption in the Department of the Executive power and the area of financial resources management of prone-prone, social business, areas of State-owned enterprises and other corruption cases on the rise, corruption issues still outstanding in leading cadres. Wen Jiabao stressed that the GoverningMaximum risk is the corruption of the party. This solution is not good, may change the nature of the regime, "when a man dies his Administration will be cast away". This is a very serious major challenges we face.   This year we will focus on the following aspects of the work. (A) promoting the reform of administrative examination and approval system. Departments and local government and management functions of the existing examination and approval matters to review them one by one,Then cancel and adjust a number of examination and approval. Loose the key restrictions on investment in social capital, breaking monopolies, opening, equitable access, and encourage competition. Perfect set and strict implementation of the approved projects and implementation of the system. There is no legal basis, any administrative organ may not set or set approval in disguise. Strengthening the supervision of examination and approval powers, promoting the approval process, the results of the publicAnd strengthen monitoring of the whole process. (B) promoting the reform of marketization of public resource allocation. Improve the system of transfer of State-owned land and mineral rights, regulation of State-owned construction land transfer avoidance in "auction", violations of provisions setting the conditions of transfer and intervention of leading cadres, and so on. Deepening the reform of government procurement systems. Improving procurement budget, public bidding, specialists, suppliersManagement system. Speeding up the construction of national e-government procurement trading platform, implementation of the electronic government procurement business process operation. Promoting the reform of tender and bid management.   Consolidation departments dispersed established bidding market, speed up the establishment and perfection of standardized bid and public resources trade market. (C) deepening the reform of financial management. Perfecting financial transferMoving payment system, gradually reducing the special transfer payments, expanding the scale of General transfer payments. Perfect transfer project funds management, capital allocation process and results of open systems, open and transparent management. Deepening the reform of the budget management system. Raising the level of budget preparation of scientific and meticulous tera gold, strict control and adjustment of expenditure on budgetary matters. Counties by year's endAll budgets at all levels, on a condition of township budget all the centralized receipt-payment system. Devote major efforts to advancing the opening of accounts for the budget. Review of departmental budget departments of the State Council and submitted to the national people's Congress, to open all of the budget form, and refined to a level subjects, education, health care, social security and employment, "Agriculture", affordable housing and other expenses to be refined toItem level subjects. (D) administrative expenditure management reform. A firm grip "Excellencies," funds continue to zero growth this year. Or the use of public money to buy cigarettes, upscale wine and gifts. Strengthening the management of vehicle establishment, clean up and standardize the sport utility vehicle purchase and use. Official reception of each unit costs and public service vehicles to exit requirements acquisition and operating costs, go abroad to be more open. StrictControl administrative organs, State-owned enterprise or institution to build decoration of halls and buildings such as office building. Prohibition of excessive use and luxury Office decoration, prohibiting the use of public funds and influence purchase, look odd to spend another stone and high-end art decoration business. Strict control and regulate the celebrations, seminars, forums and other activities, State-owned and State-holding enterprises, State-owned financial institution shall not sponsorBusiness unrelated to the activities mentioned above. (E) strengthen the Executive and financial management in State-owned enterprises and institutions. Expand the scope of business-card system implemented, at all levels of Government by the end of this year and the budget units to implement business-card settlement system. Enhanced cash management, improved invoice management and financial reimbursement system. Step up the formulation of State-owned enterprises and financial institutions, Head OfficeThe prohibitions of consumption. (Vi) do a good job of combating corruption and building a long term basis in a down-to-earth manner. Strengthening the honesty and self-discipline of leading cadres, strictly implement the system of leading cadres to report personal matters relating to, on the spouses ' children have emigrated to countries (borders), national staff management system. Strengthening supervision and inspection, research and promoting leading cadres to report matters related to the individual within a certain rangePublic. To vigorously strengthen the building of political, outstanding treatment lazy questions and the executive authorities do not act, as undesirable. Take effective measures to address the problem of long meetings, file. Resolutely correct the unhealthy practices of prejudice to the interests of the masses. Code for cleaning areas such as banking, telecommunications, circulation services. Strengthening supervision on rural land interests and the requisition of urban and rural areas. Serious solutionsAnd social housing construction, distribution, operation, management and other aspects of the problem.   Strictly investigate and deal with cases of corruption. Wen Jiabao stressed: to government operations and system construction of anti-corruption and building closer together. Strictly implement the responsibility system for party work style and clean government, deployment, supervision, implementation. To further strengthen democratic supervision, reporting to the masses, social mediaAnd the media reflect the problems, to respond in a timely manner, careful investigation and verification, processing according to the law, resulting in feedback or to the public. Supervision, the Ministry of agriculture and the Shanghai Municipality, Shanxi provincial government is primarily responsible to speak at the meeting. "Author: the magazine Roundup" (Editor: Deng Meiling) Others:

