2012年4月6日 星期五

tera power leveling this is Kodak sought strategic goal of reorganizing in bankruptcy. Since 2008 -

129773828093750000_20Select Kodak bankrupted covering areas of commercial digital When you select a bankruptcy reorganization, Kodak has been determined to start selecting streaking in the global market. For this reason, Kodak's pay was completely abandoned after the cost of film, digital cameras, personal digital-oriented business, and determined to become a "family to exit the foreground behind the factory" commercial digital printing solutions provider. Indeed, for the sake of self has also begun implementing "brand for rent", "patentThe sale of "means of short-term profit. A few days ago, in personal consumption such as Kodak announced its withdrawal from the global digital camera market, Louis confirmed to the media for the first time, President of the Asia-Pacific region, "Kodak camera could once again appeared on the market in the future, but other manufacturers may be authorized to do." This means that, on the road to bankruptcy, Kodak has started to "achieve by hook or by crook". In the industryIt seems, did not rule out the next Kodak even will license of rental business in other areas, most remaining commercial mining of the Kodak brand value. As of now, Kodak China has yet to exit the market for digital cameras and other consumer business published any official statement or exit the product after-sales service users to a specific solution in the market. Similarly, to account for Kodak70% proportion of businesses in China's commercial digital marketing sales, Kodak China also does not give a specific figure. Escape from the popular current, Carestream Health is far from the individual user is becoming more and more, this is Kodak sought strategic goal of reorganizing in bankruptcy. Since 2008 tera gold, Kodak began to seek a new round of restructuring, will shift focus from consumer marketing business market, namely, that people understood by business focus from "B2C "to" B2B ", transition to a commercial digital businesses. At present, the business to Kodak's digital business world share of business 70%. Louis said, "Kodak thorough out your digital camera and non-strategic marketing tera power leveling, working from traditional imaging company's transition to the new graphic and text printing manufacturers". Kodak China market Department told the China business newspaperReporters also said in an interview, "Kodak commercial business share of the market has reached 70%". However, Kodak China did not disclose the amount in sales of commercial digital printing markets of China. Prior to this, Vice President of Kodak Asia Pacific market Ivan points out that "Kodak products and technologies covered by the market value of US $ 110 billion, including printing, packaging, printing and file management, businessPrinting, publishing, consumer digital imaging, which is a fast growing market, Kodak has made full preparations to help customers in the rapid accumulation of capital in the industry in transition ". However, Kodak has not been in this space breakthrough advantages of tens of billions of dollars of market, still in its layout, try the water phase. This does not confirm that Kodak's successful transformation and eager to complete the bankruptcy reorganizationKodak can only be "distant water hard near the fire." Zhejiang Wanli University visiting professor Feng Hongjiang, "prerequisites for Kodak's filing for bankruptcy reorganization, is the need for a strategic industries to restore confidence in the Government and investors on the Kodak, but commercial digital businesses also cannot play such a role for the time being". Kodak's more than 10 years before the transition process is long and difficult. In the last centuryFilm decay, after the missed opportunity of digital transformation, Kodak has been in the Chase: a transformation of digital negative, buying spree along with pharmaceutical firms, printing companies, until around 2007 finalized a target in the area of commercial graphic images. Louis believes that both external reasons for this, there are internal reasons. First Kodak there have a very large amount of film business, from the filmEra of transition to the digital age, the entire market changes is a lengthy process, adjustment of the Kodak is very long. And now are setting up a new business, that is, 80% 's business is business-oriented graphic images, to create such a huge amount of business are also to be experienced for many years. Contusion and laceration on the transition to Kodak image is at the consumer level all the way down. Escape from the public,Cleanup burden left over from Kodak in the consumer market, also meant that Kodak had previously accumulated brand of commercial value, global marketing resources such as Web stores have suffered abandonment. However, a requirement of anonymous people in the industry, "for the commercial market of digital printing is not Kodak's life-saving straw. Kodak's escape from the public towards business is only the first step tera gold, then theIssues to be faced is exactly what business to rescue trapped bankruptcy dilemma of Kodak. "Not just in China, in the global marketplace, business-oriented digital printing business still in the promotion of the early outbreak did not usher in a mass market. In hongjiang FUNG's view, "Kodak's long accustomed to dealing with individual users, while the global terminal network of marketing-oriented, but it doesDoes not apply to commercial digital business development. Business customers and commercial markets, not Kodak's strengths, it requires Kodak's existing organizational structure, marketing and business models for restructuring, would face a long, arduous task, difficult challenges ". Leave a tail of restructuring is an overlooked detail, Kodak in steering business to consumers in the digital processA tail, used to take Kodak's share of "Wedding Photo Studio, professional photographer" washing business was retained. At the same time, in products such as digital cameras, also exist, for example through brand licensing in consumer market. Veteran industry observer Qing Yu taught, "this transition is a bit ridiculous, description with Kodak for past glories still cannot leave. But this will give Kodak the nextCommercial brands on the market transformation spell ". Currently Kodak fate of bankruptcy reorganization, is from the year long-term reliance on traditional consumer markets, which repeatedly missed strategic restructuring opportunities, didn't find any reverse businesses bankruptcy strategies of emerging industries. Through brand licensing, and retain the print business, Kodak will bring certain managementEarnings. However, the Qing Yu taught, "brand licensing is difficult to control product quality and market operations, in the event of bulk products, Kodak brand name into disrepute. Even more important is that this individual events of the consumer market, will also have an impact on the commercial market and customers, reduce the Kodak's business reputation ". Louis had to explain to the media, and United States bankruptcyThe law "is a tool" is often used to protect the heavy historical burden of traditional companies. However, current Kodak for use of this tool, can't seem to properly resolve the constraints and problems of enterprise development where long-term bottlenecks--what in the way of the future? Kodak seem to be no clear answer is given. Commercial digital printing market in the short term cannot yet assume the KodakReorganization under the background of the task, leaving tail for consumer market, will no doubt make Kodak's future in the global "tier enterprise". Others:

