2012年4月19日 星期四

tera gold the steel giants in winter. Angang steel full year loss of $ 2.27 billion - BBT

129784668156928750_228Ten agencies: short-term market correction pressure group-layout Country Yuan securities: two factors market turbulence caused by three types of unit or the WINS statistics show, have disclosure annual report more than 1000 in certain listed companies, profit growth slowed compared with last year to nearly 700 or so. Nearly one-third of the listed company's earnings growth is negative, reflect the depth of economic downturn brought about interference in the market movements, and national statisticalPublished data show that from January to February this year, national profits of industrial enterprises above the designated size fell to 5.2%, since negative growth for the first time since November 2009, in the context of such a large market to transfer to other use for some time, then the market will enter a clear cycle of shocks, note that indexes can change in between at 2220-2280.A rational rally in a measure of future reference data space size is the most important indicator. Two factors does not have the effect of strong stock Foundation make money, but industry analysts believe that the rebound in two factors remain the biggest "spell". Are banks worry behind the high performance. According to statistics found that from the absolute number of profitable banks remain alone, China Construction Bank andABC's earnings in excess of billions of Yuan, reached $ 168.2 billion and $ 120.7 billion respectively. Looks perfect ' Iceman ' male performance data comparisons of banks, but worry will be the market's largest psychology behind risk, as banks high profits on some level from small and medium enterprises suffer. Stealth in Bank loan rates and loan costsRise, increased financing costs for companies, and deterioration of the real economy environment, therefore, macro-economic downward cycle in other industries will increase performance volatility, sudden surge in market pressures of disclosure in the annual report and quarterly set in April. Second, industry data gap between fear, constantly found in annual data increased the gap between the industryEnterprises are difficult to see in the market in the first half performance set release process, because we found visible from the iron and steel sector, due to higher raw material prices, prices of steel products, the steel giants in winter. Angang steel full year loss of $ 2.27 billion, fell by more than 215%, MA steel net profit fell more than as much as 100%. HypeBehind the performance of the Foundation is to support, and how such data is given a large space in the market predict, is worthy of note, real estate regulation has been relaxed, but real estate's leading enterprise performance is still very beautiful. Vanke, China Merchants property of net profit growth in excess of the 2010 year tera gold, the real estate sector has published annual report of 64 companies in net profit compared with 41 home 2010-year growth visible behind not only if they are happy, I'm afraid more is for further stringent regulation of the industry, near the markets back in 2000, equivalent to the real estate industry market in the vicinity of 5,000 points, visible behind the depth of thought-provoking further regulation, are even more detrimental to the current launch any market. Whether it's good performanceThe worries behind, or an enterprise real difficult struggle �� way, suggesting that in 2011 we complex under the influence of macroeconomic environment and the overall policy of tight, many companies profitability than the 2010 year, before the current there is no fundamental change, launching market and the big bounce attack is clearly outdated. Three stocks or win in the battle however, authorBelieves that, as reflecting the companies earnings expectations of stock market, including annual reports, corporate profits, and industry data has a certain lag, stock opportunities in the market as a whole is still very strong, because the 2 quarters of main arteries elastic band is market liquidity shocks, market opportunities in stocks will be in the near future in the escalating. In accordance with the movement of capital and EnterpriseLink to analysis of industry performance, opportunities are concentrated in the following three directions. First, the age of electricity shortage and then come. In April last year under the influence of electricity shortage across the country, gain amazing the power unit, last April, power plate weight up 8.34%. Leading stocks rose 25% in more than one month, and environment of the power unit of the year better than last year: first of all, residents of ladderElectricity prices after the trial, rising electricity costs to a certain extent second as summer is approaching, air conditioners and other high-power electrical power consumption of electricity price increases will certainly increase the second document; third, planning or alteration of power NET in Twelve-Five introduced in the first half, will create a huge market, therefore, remains a good stock is the subject of the power unit groups. Second, new energy times and then turn on. "Refinery planning,Planning of oil and gas, renewable energy planning is about to publish, was developing nuclear safety planning and the adjustment and perfection of nuclear medium-and long-term development plans, completed the total work programme of rational control of energy consumption. "State Energy Secretary Liu tienan recently in" 2012 International Congress of aviation fuel and exhibition ", said. New energy stocks also became visible April institution focused on layoutLike, especially related to renewable energy planning unit is a top priority. Third, a quarterly stock market staged. Last year there were 9 stocks at the moment first disclosed a quarterly bulletin, during which there are 5 individual stocks beat the index was 3.23% per cent, overall rendering significant stocks of strong movements and unique ability to attract funding, and this year the first batch of quarterly disclosure of time is April10th, the day a total of 11 stocks quarterly results announced, shares of quarterly time this year happens to be during the market's correction, shocks caused stocks in heroic style of deep research and think about. To sum up, I still insist on preliminary market judgment, elements of market does not have a strong foundation in the near future, and confidence in the unit's war hype is also activated, shockCycle, continuous observation scale changes also note differences in power and energy and quarterly stocks, so that both can see the trees and see the deep forest. Soochow securities: the market will face more selling pressure Monday to the market again slightly adjust the pattern. Specifically, after the Shanghai composite index edged lower in the morning near the 5th averages obtained strong support, then along with the release of economic dataModest rebound trend, but due to lack of follow the trend of disk, trading volume significantly less than the two cities, the afternoon selling pressure in the market began to increase, stock index to 5th again averages long. From the side view, most stocks fell. Farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries LED Decliners, nuclear power, cloud computing, and other plates, but are within the 2% decrease in the sector as a whole, units, although the market consolidation, butField of trading opportunities still exist, Jinshan development shares tera power leveling, red beans, and so many cities still have stock daily limit. Tepid short-term trend from the last two trading days, stock index fluctuation interval of more narrow again, huzhi between the 2284-2309 range. From the specifications, leaving 10-day moving average on repression, there are 5 day moving average support, short-term trend can be described asTepid. At the same time from a side view, sector and stock performance there of a certain degree of differentiation. While on the one hand, nonferrous metals, real estate brokerage, insurance and other sectors have been active, but failed to form a joint force, follow the will is not strong in the market, contrary to banking and coal oil stocks were weaker than the market while stocks, capital funds in early intervention stocks of deep in the recent rallyBetter in the process, but the two cities still have over 30% stocks underperform. At the same time high to move stocks recently, the differentiation of the market performance is also significantly, part of a unit on to the news daily limit per cent, but there are individual stock prices to drop to close. Characteristic of this we believe that it is a technical rebound, but also indicates that the market Outlook remains cautious. ByKey economic data released today by the economic data is not good not bad, March CPI rose by 3.6%. Was under the influence of carryover effect up led 0.2%; on the other hand, consumer prices rose 0.3%, reflected from the impact of higher oil prices and labour costs, non-food prices increased power. While PPI appear negative 0.3%, Taking into account the sustainability of rising labor costs tera gold, and international oil prices were at record highs, plus resources price reforms and other factors is expected relatively modest CPI down space, maintained throughout the 3.5% the top of the judgment, but for PPI and we think that taking into account the international demand for raw materials such as commodities fall, future PPI may be affected by the upstream prices continued to drop, Or and formation of CPI movements deviated from. In this context, relatively limited room for downward adjustment of the basic deposit interest rates, monetary policy adjustment of space is unlikely. Running index or going back to the original trajectory of recent market rally was mainly affected by the message stimulated as well as technical oversold and jointly promote, however we have prompted many times policy to benefit tend not to change the market had its own transportTrends, and most technical rebound was short-lived. With the release of key economic data today, short messages, or will return to calm, stock indexes will also be returning to the original track. From the specification, currently 5th, 10th, 20th, and 30th arranged in short forms of averages are still down, taking into account the amount of rebound is lacking, market follow-up is expected toFace more selling pressure. And in the short run, after a few days after the rally, currently the market 30 minute and 60 minute KDJ high passive, short-term higher probability of facing shocks or callback, it is recommended that investors still need to control positions. Others:

