2012年4月10日 星期二

tera gold would adhere to the more prudent approach - EZU

129773184464062500_157Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund salary and welfare pension fund industry supervision microblogging news blog rolling index of occupational pension group insurance company reviews Enterprise special pension premium dataAnnuity data year gold medal according to the social security insurance supermarket insured pension financial management skills of heavy bunker microblogging Salon know Wikipedia hexun.com pension finance weekly issue 2012 > body font size print RSS source March 26, 2012:Finance Magazine Author: Zhang Xueqing Money Magazine: pension market to boost pensions market will primarily invest in bonds, corporate bonds, financial bonds, bank deposits and other fixed income products.    Therefore, the stock market is not the main battlefield of the pension market. Correspondent Zhang Xueqing pensions"Lifted" investment.    Approved by the State Council, the National Council for social security fund entrusted by the Guangdong Provincial Government, investment and operation balances the basic old-age insurance for urban workers in Guangdong Province capital of 100 billion yuan. National Council for social security fund investment in fixed-income products with the Guangdong Provincial Government and the authorities concerned discretionary investment agreements in Beijing on March 19, Money will arrive in batches, discretionary investment tentative 2-year period. About pension market calls for very high, but the Pension Commission investment may not be involved in the stock market. Council for Social Security Fund, entrusted with the investment and operation of basic old-age insurance fund, would adhere to the more prudent approach, more new money be configured in fixed-income products, ensure FundValue added value. National Council for Social Security Fund also said in its official release bulletin, media and individuals to "principal investments operations" incorrectly read as "principal market", and interpreted into "stock market", which is inaccurate. The Fund will mainly invest in government bonds, corporate bonds, financial bonds, bank deposits and other fixed income products. Therefore, the stock market is not a pension marketMajor battlefields. DAI Xianglong, President of the national social security fund, has said: "social security fund invested in stocks will sum up the past experiences and lessons learned tera gold, always very cautious attitude on stock investments to ensure long-term stability, good income. "Favorable bond news, March 21, a stock market advance, but afternoon market lowerAnd ultimately, virtually flat closed. Because of the pension market is not buying the stock, so the impact on the market may be long.    Even 40% money to buy stock, compared to a share $ 18 trillion market size of circulation market capitalisation and turnover of 200 billion yen, limited market impact of pensions on the market in batches. Haitong securities (600,837, unit), Was originally distinct from passive asset management mode of the configuration of a small amount of Treasury bonds, investment will expand the scope of pension funds to financial debt, bonds, policies of Central, local bonds, high-grade corporate bonds and corporate bonds, and other varieties of social security fund may be involved in; proactive debt management policy is flexibility in fund managers by macroeconomic trends to determine adjustedConfiguration of the investments, stage managing tera power leveling, ride for a long time according to market conditions of bond investment management strategies mature models. Follow the instructions more configuration to the fixed-income products, the funds invested in the bond market will be more than $ 60 billion, will increase the demand for bonds, bond varieties constitute good, combined with the current performance of the bond market, interest rate debt and better qualificationCredit debt will become important.    Taking into account the market in batches, size relative to the amount of $ 21 trillion in debt, good mild degree. Of course, pension funds into the stock market in Guangdong Province, more configurations and new money into fixed-income products system design of far-reaching significance, thus began, into the old-age pension may be important institutional investors.On the structure of capital market investment from abroad, pension is one of the very important market participants, with stable, long-term value investing philosophy of becoming one of the cornerstones of building a stable and healthy development of the capital market. Pension nature "only source of" long-term stability and will inject a steady flow of funds into the areas of capital markets and investment, investmentPrecipitation and incremental nature of gold is very strong.    Investment in fixed-income products better advantages of fixed income products, that is, the risk is less controllable scale advantages within the context of getting more stable long-term income. Diversification as regards retirement how to invest in the stock market, the industry pointed out that, according to the judgment of the social security funds on the stock market next. IfOptimistic about the future, national social security fund to consider intervention.    Massive pension market diversification strategies should be implemented in the future, capital market and investment may become important areas of investment, by diversifying to meet pension value. According to statistics, by the end of 2011 tera gold, $ 2.87 trillion total cumulative balance in China Social Security FundWhich pension accumulated balance of $ 1.92 trillion. According to the relevant provisions of the State Council, the social insurance fund balance only deposit and investment in bonds two channels. 90% 10% bonds of bank deposits with asset allocation model to ensure the safety of the pension although effective, but a dozen-year average rate of return for pension funds in the past under 2% and 2001~2010Annual inflation rate of 2.14%, pension fund assets are actually declining. That corresponds with it, last week's disclosure of the social security fund, entrusted with the management of the central financial benefits 9 pilot provinces and cities do indeed personal account. By the end of 2011, a total of $ 54.362 billion principal of the Fund entrusted with the management of personal accounts, access to accounting income and risk reserve 114.3$ 100 million, an average annual rate of return on investments of 10.27%, inflation rates over the same period near 8%, 6.8% higher than the commitment rate of return. Showing a diversified asset allocation for capital preservation and appreciation of the important role. Others:

