2012年4月4日 星期三

tera gold also known as keratoconjunctivitis Sicca syndrome - QHT

129777329748281250_20United Kingdom the daily mail reported on March 30, scientists believe that as people on the iPad tablet computers, smart phones and other electronic devices become more dependent on, a lot of young people there have been past older people will experience eye problems. United Kingdom Cardiff University Ophthalmology expert Christine ・ Perth Luo (Christine Purslow) said,Long-term attention to the computer screen or digital electronic display terminal can make people forget to blink, it is easy to suffer from dry eye syndrome (dry eye, also known as keratoconjunctivitis Sicca syndrome). Dry eye syndrome symptoms includes dry itching and redness of the eye of anxiety, temporary blurred vision, will further lead to Chlamydia trachomatis. Long-term harm it may cause the corneo-conjunctival lesion, affecting the vision.Perth tera gold, Dr Lo said, when we use electronic display, and highly concentrated in the brain on the screen, blink 7-8 per minute is the number of times, usually blinks per minute frequency is 12-15. Forget to blink and a high concentration can affect the protection of eye lubrication material--tear film (tear film) tera power leveling, impairment of eye lubrication system,Lead to dry eye syndrome. Reports that the degraded by tear film will increase with age, usually over the age of 50 30% per cent suffering from dry eye syndrome, but this proportion has increased in the Middle-not only now, young people began to illness. Difference is, causes comes from modern office life � long-term computer, air conditioning tera gold, environment is the cause of eye diseases,Wearing soft contact lenses are particularly vulnerable. It was reported that medical experiment proved that 2-3 months of continuous use tear substitutes can help stable tear film, alleviating dry eye syndrome. In addition method of dry eye syndrome include: let your gaze rest the left screen, periodically adjust the sight in the distance focus point and blink. () Others:

