2012年4月16日 星期一

tera gold conditionsChildren a far than it is now. Light energy in the arena - LRT

129788454325625000_60Bbmg Defender personally for Champion Award Beijing traditional school basketball close This newspaper (reporter Wang) last night, in 2012 the city's traditional sports school basketball tournament finals ended, clouds in the second with a two-leg defeat Beijing high school four, winning the senior men's teams championship. Small members of the players from the CBA champion this season bbmg team player Fang Shuo took over the Cup, many people jumped up excitedly. Traditional college basketball game of the year in 317th Kasai, a month tera gold, attracts 60 primary and secondary schools in the city, 702 students player participation. Competition is divided into primary, middle and high school 6 groups of men and women, one of the most ornamental is high school men's team match. Miyun County finals first leg at home in a 53:39 win over the second Beijing high school four, and in yesterday's times round the main Plaza 42:23 double kill opponents and eventually take awayCrown. It is understood that traditional college basketball tournament has been held since 1983, 29, a lot of basketball athletes in Beijing nationality students have participated in this competition. Fang Shuo as awards guests arrived yesterday also remember when the competition of the year: "at that time I was representing 22 in Junior Division, many matches are on outdoor hard ground, conditionsChildren a far than it is now. Light energy in the arena, they now do not match, sponsors also provide sports equipment tera power leveling, I look really quite envious. "Fang Shuo told reporters that the men's basketball team in Beijing now has 3 Beijing Chinese players, including menwei, Chen Shidong and his own, he and Chen Shidong also take in and give out direct in this game. Watched the stadium worked hard on the ballReviewers, Fang Shuo quite touched, "in fact, the children's physical fitness, height is a lot better than when I was six or seven years ago to compete, competition in the use of technology is also very reasonable. "Fang Shuo believes that playing basketball or you do not have to to CBA career game, as long as these kids like basketball tera power leveling, to be happy from the movement enough. Others:

