2012年3月1日 星期四

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129742915581093750_401Collection two-way calls for a refund the next day, Mr LAU, police on Friday, Baoan Fuyong, Mr Liu suddenly out on account of more than 630,000 yuan, he was at a loss. South reporter Guo Xianzhong's photography guild wars 2 gold, Fuyong, Shenzhen Liu found himself on account of more than 630,000 yuan, someone calling himself spent, he was asked by the original account returned, was also called to the other accounts have himReturn. Worry will sleep well Mr LAU yesterday afternoon for two nights in the South are accompanied by reporters, went to Phoenix police station, contact in police custody this "windfall". "Just as if a dream, accounts have come up all of a sudden a large sum, do not know what to do, I didn't sleep well at night. "Mr LAU said. In San Tin, Fuyong Street Community opened a trading company of Mr Lau TongHometown friends south of journalists speak out their troubles. HI: on account of more than 630,000 Yuan Liu and Mr CHAN is a good friend, and the two teamed up last June in Baoan opened a trading company. Company's main business is selling electronic products and overseas trade through the Internet. On Friday, he phones receive text message banking, shows an amount of $ 630,000Remittances reached the end of his account. "I'm not that big business, remittance of English mark name he can't read. "In addition to Mr LAU excited, began to suspect that the money could not be remitted to him, or it may be false. By looking for a partner and the company's financial, people look to the Bank. "Real more than 630,000, after you determine, we are very happy. "Mr LAU said that in order to authenticate to an account in money through bank transfer experiments. 400,000 turn to another account, this time they encountered problems, what should I do? The night insomnia Mr LAU. Surprise: three conflicting Singapore calls the next day, Mr LAU has got 3 from Singapore phone, has said the money transfer was wrong, his original account back,Some said transfers are wrong, he moved on to another account. Also said orders have been paid to him, to be shipped quickly. Mr LAU to start checking your business with, found out they did have a pen with the Singapore company's business, they purchase more than 6,900 Yuan of goods, however between accounts is different. Plus 3 from Singapore phone has different requirements, so that heDon't know what to do. That night, worried about the money issue, there will be other people for money, Mr LAU has insomnia. Yesterday, Mr LAU in the friends of the South and the city of changde, Hunan province, by reporters take a look at how to deal with. South reporter should be about Mr LAU's company, is a commercial and residential building. Mr LAU showing cell phone text messaging, banking online fund transactions recorded in the SouthJournalist describes his experiences. : Company decided to police more than 630,000 yuan is the Singapore company transfer warhammer online gold, transfer letter signed for people, funds are "between" mark. South reporter found did have the company's Web site through the Internet, there are more addresses. "Our trade is not the Bank, so we are very surprised, weForeign trade online with each other are not met, nor clearly is a real current company or a bank account problems go wrong. "Mr Liu said that if the original account got the money back home, and not the company meeting, truly meeting the wrong people for money in Singapore police came to I claim the money? It's even not clear. Mr LAU said he told Singapore public company of the same nameSecretary does have a sum of more than 6,900 Yuan business, if the other side pressed the wrong position of the decimal point, numbers wrong. Under these questions, coupled with the fear behind the money comes responsibility, company the people present agreed with the police. Baoan Public Security Bureau was informed that after Mr LAU's experience to assist Liu contact location Phoenix police station. "I also met for the first time this kind of thing,We put through to secure evidence in the form of legal instruments, you is not a subjective intent to have money of dubious origin, avoiding future is not clear. "Phoenix police station said Qiu Feng, Deputy Director aoc gold, and he first civilian police give Mr LAU made a record, and then contact the Bank to open an account, Mr Liu to deposit the money. Once the Shenzhen police established the Singapore meeting right after the money of the people, byContact the police transferred the money between the two sides. 630,002 up all night a friendly dialog received: $ 630,000 for a start-up company is a not a small number, you determine that unexpected sum of money after real was how to think? Miss Emily LAU: I really need the money, so actively expanding overseas business. See text message banking, I first suspected online fraud, then went to the Bank testOnly under know money is real. Was very glad, thinking is the company to a large business, trying to prepare the goods to customers in the past. Note: discovered after is the windfall, did you not tempted? Liu: account has all of a sudden a large sum, do not know what to do, I didn't sleep well at night. I told a few friends that, some people said I couldn't use, to return.Says not stealing Rob, door money do not have to be a fool. Reminds me of the Xu Ting, was very nervous. Plus my own experience before picking up her purse, I cannot use the money of dubious origin. Remember: is there any party who tried to contact money transfer? Miss Emily LAU: since online businesses are not met, together with Singapore to 3 calls, person who claims to be the company, talk toReturning, some said to transfer other account, I suspect. Phone not sure the other definitely is the Singapore company people, what if I go wrong? Because of contact between both are salesmen, salesmen did not mention the other party go wrong, just to remind us to ship on time, let me make up my mind. Later, my friend said, trying to reach the influential media open thingsAnd to promote Singapore really meeting money people pay attention to wrong over there.

