2012年3月4日 星期日

swtor credits Greece does not complete the debt to GDP ratio fell to 120% goals - OAE

129742939237187500_378Eurozone finance ministers scheduled for 20th meeting in Brussels, prior to this, since the second round of assistance Greece blocked the negotiations, the Finance Ministers have been postponed several times.   Analysts expect the 20th second round of euro-zone finance ministers are expected to aid Greek Cypriot agreement to make the final decision. 20th eve of euro-zone finance ministers, about the second round of aid-Greek agreementUpbeat news, but Greece in exchange for funds in aid of 130 billion euro conditions become more demanding. According to Bloomberg News, Germany, and Italy and Greece leaders conference call held 17th. After the meeting, Italy Prime Minister's Office said in a statement aion kinah, the leaders of the three countries on the 20th reached an aid-Greek agreement of eurozone finance ministers optimistic attitude, but added three new conditions.First of all aoc gold, aid money will be paid into a custody account, rather than directly allocated to Greece Government, will be sufficient funds in the account Greece government debt to pay 9-12 months. Secondly, Greece Government should accept stricter financial discipline in the country, a permanent international monitoring. Thirdly, assistance agreement will also include Greece reform of fiscal consolidation and economic "24 priority actionsList ", the State shall, by the end of February to meet listing requirements. Reports are expected, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) this will provide EUR 130 billion in funds in aid of EUR 13 billion.   In May 2010, started the first round of aid in Greek, IMF has provided Greece provides a 30 billion euro loan. Euro Group Chairman and Luxembourg Prime Minister swtor credits, Mr Juncker 18th that the 2020 years ago Greece debt to gross domestic product (GDP) measures taken by 160% per cent was still "far" complete, "but we will try to narrow the distance from that goal." According to the Bloomberg News reported citing sources, euro-zone finance ministers will also discuss reducing aid Greek loan interest rate, and European Central Bank ownedGold filled Greece Government funding gap. In May 2010, the first round of aid-Greek average interest rate of 5%, in March last year, the eurozone will the interest rates to around 4%. Reports also said the euro is expected by 2020, Greece does not complete the debt to GDP ratio fell to 120% goals, then the ratio is expected to be around 129%. At present, the euroDiffering views on how to fill the funding gap.

