2012年3月7日 星期三

eq2 plat Italy's Central Bank Governor - MZP

129742939251406250_427Friday the euro group is about to ratify Greece rescue plan expected to boost gold prices higher, but gains hit, paring gains and edged lower gold prices, gold prices closed on Friday down $ 2.5 to $ 1725.9 an ounce. People's Bank of China on Saturday (February 18) announced late, from February 24The date down deposit financial institutions renminbi deposit reserve rate 0.5%. This was December 5, 2011, central banks cut deposit reserve ratio for the first time in three years after the second cut.   But economists believe the tone does not mean that China's currency policy changes guild wars 2 gold, there will be no interest rate cuts by the Central Bank of China in the short term. Greece Prime Minister Saturday on tableAs shown in Greece on the hope that the meeting of euro-zone Finance Ministers on Monday concluded negotiations on the country's latest economic reform programmes. The eurozone finance ministers ' meeting is expected to be approved by European leaders agreed to with the IMF in October last year Greece financing options. Greece eq2 plat, a senior government official said Greece hopes by March 8 issue debt Exchange proposal to creditors, and on March 11st complete replacement. ECB Governing Council Member, Italy's Central Bank Governor, Vincenzo Visco said on Saturday, the European Central Bank to relax the European banking industry to obtain collateral eligibility criteria provided by the Central Bank injected, plus the long-term supply of liquidity funds is adequate, will facilitate more effective transmission of monetary policy. A large number of euro-zone Central Bank has relaxed collateral requirements of Member States in order toBanks from financing longer-term refinancing operations of the European Central Bank funds. Worthy of attention is the EFSF will launch Europe's sovereign-debt protection mechanism, the EFSF in a statement said it will launch an initiative to provide special protection mechanisms for European sovereign debt, a programme is the EFSF would provide partial risk guarantees for government bonds, provided the principal 20%-30%Guaranteed, at the same time to promote the new issuance requirements; the other programme is the EFSF will set up a joint investment fund, the Fund will allow both the public and private sector cooperation and financing. Protection mechanism only when Member States request began operation as a whole, although the international gold prices there fell on Friday, but rose in early trading today. Because in theOn weekends there are some positive factors. China cut deposit reserve, the European Central Bank to relax LTRO collateral standards, this makes the further easing of liquidity, will undoubtedly bring good for gold, currencies go loose in the environment will be the main cornerstone of the gold price upward. But gold speciation at an important stage, breakthrough has yet to be further up the energy savings, investment andLayout much lower funding will be gradually closed. "International spot gold operations recommended" large intervals: 1725-1751 community: 1730-1740 days back on her 1725 does not break a short-term single entry, stop loss of 5 points, goals 1730-1738, can continue to hold days breaking on the 1712 rush obstacleDash into the empty target 17,401, stop loss of 5 points, breaking can continue to hold "skytone silver action recommended" range: 6700-6880-community: 6,750-6,850 days back in step on 6,750 broken light cartridge single entry under the failed, first goal 6,850 second goal 6,880, stop 80 points,Broken on the 680 continued to hold days rush obstacle light cartridge empty single-entry, the first target second target of 6,800 6 tor credits,750, stop 80 points, breaking continued to hold

